The ES6 / ECMAScript 2015 implementation uses the babel compiler to generate ES5 compatible JavaScript. The generated code has been tested with Node 0.12.4. cd impls/es6 make node build/stepX_YYY.js F# The F# implementation of mal has been tested on Linux using the Mono F# compiler (f...
1. 执行autoscan 命令生成configure.scan 文件 2. 修改configure.scan 文件后缀为.ac或者.in 3. 修改 文件参数 4. configure.ac文件代码如下: [wbyq@wbyq project]$ cat # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.63...
All of this works because aconfigurescript examines your system, and uses the information it finds to convert aMakefile.intemplate into aMakefile, but where do theconfigurescript and theMakefile.intemplate come from? If you’ve ever opened up aconfigurescript, or, you w...
There could be more than one place where it makes sense to add or remove a reference to a CMake script. If so, Visual Studio asks you where you want to make the change and displays a preview of the proposed changes. For step-by-step instructions, see Add, Remove, and Rename Files ...
We don't currently have the resources to support Linux but we always made it a point to don't burn down any bridges in regards to Linux support. typescript is more of a "meta" language that gets compiled to javascript at build time, all it does is provide us with type checking during...
b. 选择“First Stage Boot Loader” 选项。...选择“Linux Components Selection” 。 b. 选择“PMU Firmware” 选项。 [*] PMU Firmware c. 退出菜单并保存更改。 TypeScript编译选项 TypeScript编译选项是用于配置TypeScript编译器(tsc)的选项,用于指定编译过程中的行为和输出结果。通过这些选项,我们可以自定义...
1 Debug CMake Scripts on Linux with Visual Studio Sinem Akinci If you are working on a CMake project that targets Linux, you may have encountered some challenges when trying to debug your CMake scripts and CMakeLists.txt files. You may have wondered why your variables are not set correctly...
%verifyscript #check for an entry in a system ...script... #configuration file 这些verify用的少 %changelog 修改记录,类似这样 * Wed Mar 07 2018 RDO <> 1:8.1.4-1 - Update to 8.1.4 如果在%package时用-n选项,那么在%description时也要用,如: ...
(2) cmake [(-D <var>=<value>)...] -P <cmake-script-file> (3) cmake --build <dir> [<options>...] [-- <build-tool-options>...] (4) cmake -E <command> [<options>...] (5) cmake --find-package <options>... ...