This repo content a cheatsheet page from TypeScript1MIT7100UpdatedNov 20, 2024 app-trainingPublic conventional-standard-versionPublic JavaScript1ISC105UpdatedSep 23, 2024 conventional-pr-title-actionPublicForked fromaslafy-z/conventional-pr-title-action ...
target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME}PRIVATE $<$<BOOL:${YOUR_DEFINE}>:YOUR_DEFINE>) In your code you can then use this define for some sort of conditional compilation. #ifdefYOUR_DEFINE//something useful#endif//YOUR_DEFINE And when invokingcmakeyou can pass a CMake variable like so ...
You can download a shell script from the followingGitHub repoto automatically convert a secp256k1 private key represented as a 64-character hex string to a valid PKCS #8 structure encoded as DER. Downloading the script directly without cloning the entire repository requires you to add the run p...
Create a GitHub workflow which runs the script during PRs. This approach has been taken in many of the libraries we have made AOT-compatible. Here is an example in the OpenTelemetry repo using this approach: AotCompatibility.TestApp.csproj Publish Script GitHub workflow As you can see from tha...
target_compile_features(targetPRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACEfeature1[feature2...]) PRIVATE的意思是这个target的编译选项只对该target有效,如果需要对引用该target的上级target也有效,那么这里需要用PUBLIC。 样例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 target_compile_features(mainPRIVATE“-Wall”)set_target_properties(mainPROPERITESCO...
//在本地电脑:右键——>Git Bash Here$ git remoteaddorigin ssh://git@使用命令与远程服务器建立连接// 私有git服务器搭建完成后就可以向连接github一样连接使用了,//但是我们的git服务器并没有配置密钥登录,所以每次连接时需要输入密码。//这种形式和刚才使用的形式好像不一样...,欢迎fork and star! 往期教程 day01-从一个基础的socket服务说起 day02 真正的高并发还得看IO多路复用 前言 经过前面两节课,我们已经从零开始写出了一个基于epoll和reactor多线程模型的高并发的网络服务器,为后面的内网穿透项目打下了相关基础。
首发地址 day03 C++项目开发配置最佳实践(vscode远程开发配置、格式化、代码检查、cmake管理配置) 项目仓库地址 欢迎fork and star! 往期教程 day01-从一个基础的socket服务说…
The full source code is in the file hello.c in the GitHub repo. Our simple application will be dynamically linked with the client library. Using CMake to build our application CMake is a cross-platform build system. The goal of this blog post is to demonstrate...
Declare a targetDeclare target's traitsIt's all about t然后clone 这个项目到本地,把里面的01-basic(跳过E-installing,因为和依赖有关,后面会说)02-sub-projects两个目录认真的学习一遍,最好自己能够动手跟着做一遍。每学习完一个小节,把前面的三句口诀复习一下...