@app.route('/manifest.json')defmanifest():returnapp.send_from_directory('static','manifest.json') If you'd like a complete example, I have created a Flask PWA before. Here is the repository:https://github.com/MurphyAdam/Flask-chatbot ...
SECRET_KEY='development key'USERNAME='admin'PASSWORD='default'#create our little application :)app= Flask(__name__)#[ Flask basic settings ]#from_object() will look at the given object ( if it's a string it will \#import it) and then look for all uppercase variables defined there. ...
I have a bunch of code that I have working in flask correctly, but these requests can take over 30 minutes to finish. I am using chained generators to use my existing code with yields to return to the browser. Since these tasks take 30 minutes or more to complete, I want to of...
Step 2. Create a Base ApplicationHere, we will make a small web application within Python then execute it to start the server. Write the code below;Here, you are importing a flask object from the flask package then create an app instance. The app.route is used to turn the regular ...
flask run Browse tohttp://localhost:5000. An extremely useful website that is approved by your cat! To azdev-ify Before you get started, please make sure you haveazd installedon your development environment. The code used in the blog is based onazd version 0.4.0-beta.1. ...
.pyand configuring our Flask app. We will configure various objects used by our app like our SQLite database, the OEmbed client, and the Flask app itself. Configuration values can be placed in a separate module, but for simplicity we'll just put them in the same namespace as our app....
flask sudo apt install python3-flask from flask import Flask app=Flask(__name__) @app.route("/") def hello(): return "hello" FLASK_APP=app.py flask run -h -p 3000
Flask-profiler measures endpoints defined in your flask application; and provides you fine-grained report through a web interface. It gives answers to these questions: Where are the bottlenecks in my application? Which endpoints are the slowest in my application?
All of the code is open source, and lives onGithub. I didn’t mention it, but there’s also a view in the Flask app you can visit in the browser to control the lights too. You can see it at the/url. I encourage you to make your app look better than mine, and share the resul...
self._executionDelay = delay# Import it here to avoid circular importfromindico.web.flask.appimportmake_appself._app =make_app(True) 开发者ID:sofian86,项目名称:indico-gh-test,代码行数:11,代码来源:slave.py 示例5: _action_make_app_request_context ...