Your Discord bot connects to the Discord API through “OAuth2”. This is also how you add bots to channels — using OAuth2 requests. We’re not going to dive into OAuth in detail right now, but you should remember that OAuth2 is how you’re able to add a Discord Bot to your server...
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Over the last five or so years,Discordhas consistently shown that it is the instant messaging platform for not only gamers but anyone looking to message, video chat, or stream with friends online. Among the reasons why are Discord bots. Bots can help you do everything from automate mundane ...
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Discord is a VoIP social platform that allows users to communicate using text, voice, or video calls or private chats by joining communities called servers. You can find hundreds of individuals sharing your interests or passions. Quora With Quora, you can do more than ask and answer questions...
This Feature — this rant — is a bit late in coming. If you’rea site supporter— thanks for that, by the way — if you’re a site supporter and hang out in The Angry Discord, you might have seen a massive fight about open-world games a few months ago. I didn’ttechnicallystart...
I think I’m not alone, so I made a survey. Click here to take the survey! Much of conversation around game design has drifted back to private channels like forums or Discord servers, which pose notable barriers for marginalized designers. But we can’t talk about solutions without knowing...
Head over to Discord'sbot portal, and create a new application. You'll want to make a note of the Client ID and secret (which you should keep a secret, of course). However, this isn't the bot, just the "Application." You'll have to add the bot under the "Bot" tab. ...
if your AI influencer is a travel enthusiast, they can offer personalized advice on creating itineraries based on different budgets, interests, and travel preferences. They can also offer virtual tours or travel planning services for a fee. You can offer these virtual services through Discord or ...