mkdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY... DESCRIPTION Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist. #目录已存在时,创建目录失败 Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -m, --mode=MODE set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx - umask #设置文件权限,而不...
os.mkdir('\\just a dir') ? Why do I have to mention all the way to there? Yes you can pass only the folder name toos.mkdirbut then it'll create that folder in the current working directory. So you may have to change the current working directory again and again with ...
In Python 2, zip returns a list, to avoid creating an unnecessary list, use izip instead (aliased to zip can reduce code changes when you move to Python 3). from itertools import izip as zip So that is still (2.7): new_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(keys, values)} Python ...
“-w” “--print-directory” 输出运行 makefile 之前和之后的信息。这个参数对于跟踪嵌套式调用 make 时很有用。 “--no-print-directory” 禁止“-w”选项。 “-W <file>” “--what-if=<file>” “--new-file=<file>” “--assume-file=<file>” 假定目标<file>需要更新,如果和“-n”选项使用...
add_custom_command( TARGET example POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "<pyd-directory>/<pyd-file-name>.pyd" "<output-directory>/<out-name>.pyd" ) .pyd文件是Windows下為python準備的DLL文件(詳細解釋見:Is a pyd file the same as a DLL?)。在我們剛剛構建的簡單項目裏,.pyd文件包...
As described in #7671 (comment) For activated non-base conda environments, conda activate will actually go ahead and set the PYTHONNOUSERSITE environment variable, I'm suggesting you do now yourself. By default it will not set it for the...
You can launch the REPL using a convenience target in the top level Makefile (where IMPL is the implementation directory name and stepX is the step to run):make DOCKERIZE=1 "repl^IMPL^stepX" # OR stepA is the default step: make DOCKERIZE=1 "repl^IMPL" ...
命令语法:aux_source_directory(<dir> <variable>) 命令简述:用于将 dir 目录下的所有源文件的名字保存在变量 variable 中 使用范例:aux_source_directory(src DIR_SRCS) 4)add_executable 命令 命令语法:add_executable(<name> [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE][EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] source1 source2 … sourceN) ...
file(GLOB_RECURSE PYTHON_SOURCE "python/*.py") # 获取所有python文件,并存于PYTHON_SOURCE中 add_custom_target(python_wheel ALL # 添加自定义目标python_wheel DEPENDS efl ${PYTHON_SOURCE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/python/ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/...
对于大部分小白来说,因为python用的太爽,以致于或许都没有听说过CMake。python是脚本语言,而当前大量的AI算法都部署在移动端嵌入式平台,需要使用c/java语言,因此熟悉CMake和Makefile也是必备的基础。 作者| 汤兴旺 言有三 编辑| 汤兴旺 言有三 01