A description block or inference rule specifies a block of commands to run if the dependency is out-of-date. NMAKE displays each command before running it, unless/S,.SILENT,!CMDSWITCHES, or@is used. NMAKE looks for a matching inference rule if a description block isn't followed by a comm...
Readsfilenameas a makefile, then continues with the current makefile. NMAKE searches forfilenamefirst in the specified or current directory, then recursively through directories of any parent makefiles, then, iffilenameis enclosed by angle brackets (< >), in directories specified by theINCLUDEmac...
逻辑判断和比较:if (expression):expression 不为空(0,N,NO,OFF,FALSE,NOTFOUND)时为真if (not exp):与上面相反if (var1 AND var2)if (var1 OR var2)if (COMMAND cmd):如果 cmd 确实是命令并可调用为真if (EXISTS dir) if (EXISTS file):如果目录或文件存在为真if (file1 ISNEWERTHAN file...
If you need more information about the state of the CMake cache to diagnose a problem, open the Project main menu or the CMakeLists.txt context menu in Solution Explorer to run one of these commands: View CMakeCache.txt opens the CMakeCache.txt file from the build directory in the edit...
The runtime macros can be modified by the lettersDandFto indicate only the directory portion of the target name or only the file portion of the target name. (The working directory is represented by a dot.) Ifdefine.his the only prerequisite that is newer than the target, the macros$?Dan...
更省事的方法是使用 aux_source_directory 命令,该命令会查找指定目录下的所有源文件,然后将结果存进指定变量名。其语法如下: aux_source_directory(<目录> <变量>) 因此,可以修改 CMakeLists.txt 如下: # CMake 最低版本号要求 cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) # 项目信息 project (Demo2) # 查找...
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin) Cmake.Cpp.Lib.Seed\src\add.cpp 内容: #include"add.h"intadd(inta,intb) {returna +b; } Cmake.Cpp.Lib.Seed\src\add.h内容: #ifndef ADD_HPP#defineADD_HPP#ifdef _WIN32 ...
Move into that directory cd build Configure the build system cmake .. -DREFPROP_FORTRAN_PATH=R:/FORTRAN -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release and build the DLL cmake --build . That's it! Or, all in a tidy batch file that clones the repo, does the build, and clea...
Additional CMake functionality. Most of the modules are from Ryan Pavlik (https://github.com/rpavlik/cmake-modules) - cmake-modules/CodeCoverage.cmake at master · bilke/cmake-modules
cmd_host-csingle ='$(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) -o $@ $< $(HOST_LOADLIBES) $(HOSTLOADLIBES_$(@F))' $(HOSTCC)为cc,此处不再深入解释,hostc_flags在Makefile.host中定义: ### # Handle options to gcc. Support building with separate output directory _host...