Make-lt-Animatable:中科大联合腾讯推出自动生成即时动画AI模型 Make-lt-Animatable是中国科学技术大学和Tencent PCG推出的数据驱动框架,能在不到一秒钟内让任何3D人形模型准备好进行角色动画状态,无论其形状和姿势如何。框架基于生成高质量的混合权重、骨骼和姿势变换,支持多种3D表示,包括网格和3D高斯斑点。基于从粗到细...
Prompt: Read my CV & find ML jobs, save them to a file, and then start applying for them in new tabs, if you need help, ask me.' Prompt: Write a letter in Google Docs to my Papa, thanking him for everything, and save the document as a PDF. ...
No chance to exaggerate something on a CV or impress with words. Give your candidates a relevant task and see if they have the hard skills to thrive in the position. Toggl Hire lets you do this with just a few clicks and then sorts your applicants by test score so you can instantly ...
provide essential information about your activities and summarize your unique identity and values. Include any distinctive elements, such as your achievements and skills. It can also be a good idea to clarify your current employment status and include your CV. We recommend adding a downloadable PDF...
How to make a portfolio: top 10 tips Eden Spivak Feb 1618 min read Design your portfolio Was this article helpful? Yes No About Contact Us
- Select artistic filters to get a unique look & feel - Post your artworks for others to see - Create music with AI - Make unique videos with AI - Share your art on social media quickly - Create unique selfies by importing selfies ...
Zero basics! Quickly make unique AI characters that can talk, sing, and customize expressions! Hey, did you know? AI characters are simply versatile little experts! Whether it is a humorous explainer in a video commentary, or playing various funny roles in a role-play, or even a professional...
Kickresume: CV, Resume Builder.The Kickresume app is the ideal tool for building a resume on an iPhone. Although you can access Kickresume’s online resume builder through a web browser on your iPhone, using the mobile-optimized app is perhaps more convenient.Here are some of its unique featu...
最近新出的大厂手机自带了 AI 消除功能,可以智能地消除照片中的物体。虽然其他厂家还没跟上,但可以试试这款软件,体验一下! 此外,还有背景生成功能,能够生成各种炫酷的背景,让你的照片瞬间高大上! 抠图功能简直是每个软件的标配了,特别适合懒人! 还有很多小姐姐最喜欢的功能,比如一键美颜、身材调整、一键美妆,再也...
include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) message(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) link_directories(/usr/local/lib/opencv4/3rdparty) SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -no-pie") add_executable(computer_cv main.cpp) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${OpenCV_LIBS} libippiw.a)...