3D 草图绘制 Sustainability 产品 SolidWorks Utilities 公差 Toolbox 焊件 Workgroup PDM 疑难解答 词汇表 制作路径(Make Path) 使用制作路径工具可以生成机械设计布局草图。例如,对凸轮轮廓建模,其中凸轮和推杆之间的相切几何关系在凸轮转动时自动过渡。通过路径,您可以在草图实体链与其它草图实体之间生成相切...
All you need is a3DEXPERIENCE ID. Hi, I'm trying to make divots along the curve of this shape (so a curved hole all along that curve, to let things slot in and slide along), and my idea was to make a sketch plane offset from the face of...
Wiring the NeoPixel LED ring is very easy. Just solder our data line from PIN 6 on the Arduino to the DIN pin, then connect our 5V line to 5V and the Ground line to GND. If you would like to add more LED rings, all you need to do is wire the DOUT from the first ring to the...
This seed of an idea can then brought to life through the simplest and easiest forms of prototyping - a sketch or diagram. These flat drawings are then used to create simplified 3D prototypes. These models are often not to scale and made from cheaper, more accessible materials than those ...
单击,然后单击重建实体 ,并注意 FeatureManager 设计树中的嵌套块。 保存块 欲保存块: 选择块并单击保存块 (块工具栏),或单击工具、块、保存。 其它块功能: 块PropertyManager 编辑块 插入块 添加/移除块 重建块 爆炸块 块属性 插入图块 在SOLIDWORKS 知识库中搜索“Make Block”。0.20...
课时179:18.1了解2D画笔特效 课时180:18.2 2D画笔特效实例 课时181:18.3了解3D画笔特效 第19章:流体特效 课时182:19.1 2D流体特效 课时183:19.2 3D流体特效 课时184:19.3流体特效碰撞 课时185:19.4海洋特效基础 课时186:19.5海洋特效属性 课时187:19.6简单介绍池塘特效 第20章:头发和毛发 课时188:...
I held it in place and measure best I could, then did a hand sketch to see what I needed to make. The bracket for this was a “measure-design-build” all in one go. Once the bracket was measured, milled and assembled, everything fit up just fine. I sort of over-did it on my...
Once the stator, magnets, and can are finalized you can measure the parts with calipers and sketch a 2D profile in CAD. You can see the basics of my CAD file in the pictures. In Solidworks, it's easy to create the geometry by sketching one magnet or one tooth and turning it into a...
You can convert a drawing view to sketch entities or a block of sketch entities using the Convert View to Sketch PropertyManager. To open this PropertyManager: In a drawing view, right-click and click Convert View to Sketch. Display State Replace view with sketch Replace...
单击,然后单击重建实体 ,并注意 FeatureManager 设计树中的嵌套块。 保存块 欲保存块: 选择块并单击保存块 (块工具栏),或单击工具、块、保存。 其它块功能: 块PropertyManager 编辑块 插入图块 添加/移除块 重建块 分解图块 块属性 插入图块 在SOLIDWORKS 知识库中搜索“Make Block”。0.20...