From the user's perspective, what is the difference between hidden and very hidden sheets? It is simply this: a very hidden sheet cannot be made visible via the Excel user interface, the only way to unhide it is with VBA. So, if you want to make some of your worksheets much more dif...
src/make-static-lib-hidden-privates.sh \ src/config.h.cmake if USE_WIN_VERSION_FILE WIN_VERSION_FILE = src/version-metadata.rc else WIN_VERSION_FILE = endif #=== lib_LTLIBRARIES = src/libsndfile.la include_HEADERS = include/sndfile.hh nodist_include_HEADERS = include/snd...
AI代码解释 {"version":3,"cmakeMinimumRequired":{"major":3,"minor":19,"patch":0},"configurePresets":[{"name":"macos","hidden":true,"condition":{"type":"equals","lhs":"${hostSystemName}","rhs":"Darwin"},"generator":"Xcode","warnings":{"dev":true,"deprecated":true},"cacheVaria...
It fails to build on FreeBSD 11.2: >>>[Making slatec]<<< cp: lib/slatec/.objects and /usr/ports/science/yambo/work/yambo-4.2.3/lib/slatec/.objects are identical (not copied). :0:11: warning: ISO C99 requires whitespace afte...
Tracks your savings streak, displaying the number of consecutive days, weeks, or months you have saved. It includes a hidden balance feature and a fun random "Nong MAKE Stamp Collection” to make saving more enjoyable. Credit Card Cloud Pocket: ...
To select which folders are shown or hidden in the Start menu next to the Power button, select Folders, and turn on the toggles for the folders you want to see. Turn the toggles off for the folders you want to hide.Quiet down those notifications The Do not disturb setting allows you to...
style.visibility = 'hidden'; } 对于DOM结构比较复杂和图片比较多且分布密集的情况生成的骨架屏效果可能不尽如人意,这时候可以使用includeElement定制某个节点生成生成什么样子,或者使用init在生成骨架屏之前对DOM节点进行调整,这两个函数在面对相对复杂的DOM结构时会比较有用; 在浏览器中运行 const createSkeleton...
To select which folders are shown or hidden in the Start menu next to thePowerbutton, selectFolders, and turn on the toggles for the folders you want to see. Turn the toggles off for the folders you want to hide. Quiet down those notifications ...
iPhone 简介 Make Words - From the alphabet salad you form correct words! If you like word puzzles, Make Words is number one among your apps. Many different levels you'll master on your way to Level X. You will encounter easier and more difficult levels, and you can also find hidden wor...