Emotion processing of major, minor and dissonant chords: A 289 magnetic resonance imaging study - Pallesen, Brattico, et al. - 2005 () Citation Context ...cerebral areas involved with emotion, such as cingulate gyrus, medial and orbital prefontral cortex (PFC), hippocampus, parahippocampal ...
With the advent of improved resolution of the vestibulocochlear nerve on magnetic resonance imaging,16 a magnetic resonance image should be obtained before finalizing a definitive diagnosis of an absent or atretic vestibulocochlear nerve. In fact, Casselman et al16 point out that an absent eighth ...
At the single cell level, in vitro studies revealed that due to differences in their passive properties and complement of voltage-gated conductances, different types of neurons exhibit resonance at specific frequencies, for which they exhibit a preferential responsiveness7. Moreover, some resonant ...
Neuropsychological testing and quantitative magnetic resonance imaging were performed at the 3-month follow-up visit. Results Major depressive disorder was observed in 30 (33%) of 91 patients during the first year after sustaining a TBI. Major depressive disorder was significantly more frequent among ...
These 2 viruses had lower genetic identity with ECTV than that observed with reference ECTVs and between variola minor virus andvariola major virus. Therefore, these ECTV-like poxviruses likely represent a novel OPXV species. Novel Orthopoxvirus and Lethal Disease in Cat, Italy ...
When considering a single perturbing term, it is possible to correlate the strength SR with the resonance's width as has been done by Soja et al. (2011) in the framework of a study of meteoroid streams. The stickiness can be defined as the ability of the resonance to retain minor ...
Minor allele Total Major homozygous Heterozygous Minor homozygous Total χ2 [P] Genotype frequency (2 ϫ 3 table) Allele frequency (major vs minor) Major homozygous vs others Minor homozygous vs others SNP, Single-nucleotide polymorphism NT_007592.8 15399187 TϾC 0.61 0.39 1.00 0.36 0.49 0.15...
Fingolimod: pooled data from 1640 subjects, showed that fingolimod 0.5 mg gave transient, usually asymptomatic, second-degree heart block, on treatment initiation; minor BP increases; generally asymptomatic liver enzyme elevations (9%); and macular oedema (0.4%) [239]. Higher doses (1.25 mg) ...
Modulation of default-mode network activity by acute tryptophan depletion is associated with mood change: a resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res. 2011;69(2):129-134.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 36. Iosifescu DV, Renshaw PF, Dougherty DD, et al. Major ...
Forman SDCohen JDFitzgerald MEddy WFMintun MANoll DC Improved assessment of significant activation in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): use of a cluster-size threshold. Magn Reson Med 1995;33 (5) 636- 647PubMedGoogle Scholar 16. Muglia PTozzi FGalwey NWFrancks CUpmanyu RKong XQ...