The cost of living makes women think carefully about having children. Taking time off work makes it harder for our career progression. Also we want to travel and it is very expensive with children, we are limited to school holidays when prices go high. It's an economic time bomb! sandrin...
One thing I would change about the industry is... getting the driving test wait times reduced. It has impacted us a lot, in both bad ways and good ways as we are busier than ever. I've seen how delays have hindered people's progress, and we've seen recently that many have sadly b...
As always, we would like to offer our thanks to the wonderful residents of the Gracia neighbourhood of Barcelona for giving up some much of their free time and August holidays to make the Gracia Festival such a unique experience for all visitors. Moltes gràcies! Muchas Gracias!Article ...
United Airlines projects that travel for the year-end holidays will be busier than Thanksgiving. However, major U.S. carriers have told FOX Business that they are prepared to handle the demand, especially after having a successful run during the Thanksgiving travel period. THE BLEISURE TRAVELER...
Then we will all jump in the Guadalupe river to reset, wash away what no longer serves us from 2022 and get ready for a new year and new intentions in 2023! Then stick around for food, fellowship, and lots of family-friendly activities! Jumpy houses, food trucks, coffee bar, vendors,...
During the end-of-year holidays a year ago, a series of storms caused major headaches for air traffic across the country. Most airlines recovered quickly butSouthwest Airlines– the nation’s fourth-largest carrier – was hamstrung for days by its ageing IT infrastructure an systems...
Besides more security and occasionally locking cases of products, Target said it’s partnering with the US Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Investigations to combat retail theft and making “significant investments” into cyber defense. The retailer is boosting i...
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Traveling during the holidays is hard enough with the crowds, weather, and time crunch, but it may be even more stressful now that a major airline just announced it filed for bankruptcy.
So what does this mean for shoppers? Big discounts, and just in time for the holidays. Nike wants to get rid of excess products sitting on its shelves and fast. Many sneakerheads have noted a variety of Jordan shoes and other Nike shoes that normally sell out quickly, collecting...