goods. large quantities of grain were imported, especially from egypt, to feed the people of rome. luxury items poured in to satisty the wealthy upper classes. despite the active trade and commerce, however,farming remained the chief occupation of mos 贸易超出了罗马边境范围和甚而包括中国丝绸物品...
day Xi’an now stands.Chang’an was the capital city of this dynasty and by about 750 AD, it had become a strong and successful capital of around two million people.?Because? of the chances for trade, a number of foreigners from countries bordering China lived in the city....
Updated July 3, 2024 80.6K views 16 items Alcohol often plays an important role in celebrating the most momentous events in history. The French share glasses of wine on Bastille Day. Many Americans throw back a Budweiser or two in honor of the Fourth of July. On New Year’s Eve, people...