Learn to define the major structures of the digestive system. Learn the parts of the mouth and throat. Discover the role of the esophagus in the...
phenomenon—the mechanochemical activity of living structures. The most varied manifestations of this activity, for example, the contraction of the tail of a spermatozoon, the movement of cilia in infusorians, the disjunction of chromosomes during mitosis, and the injection of phage DNA into bacteria...
Directional terms Anatomical terms used to describe the position and relation between various structures (e.g. anterior, posterior, ventral, dorsal, proximal, distal, median, medial, lateral) Movements Changing the position of a body part around a certain axis and in one of the anatomical planes...
How does the muscular system help maintain homeostasis? What is the structure most responsible for maintaining cell homeostasis? Excess fluid is excreted by the kidneys. Identify the main structures in the kidneys and describe how the structure is specialized for the function th...
Which heart structure(s) pumps blood to the lungs? What are the two main circuits of the cardiovascular system? For each circuit identify the general structures and the status of the blood found throughout that circuit. Which part of the cardiac cycle corresponds to the activity in the heart...
The transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family plays major pleiotropic roles by regulating many physiological processes in development and tissue homeostasis. The TGF-β signaling pathway outcome relies on the control of the spatial and temporal expression of >500 genes, which depend on the funct...
If the latter is correct, the inferred presence of uncinate scars in phytosaurs would suggest a possible pre-archosaurian origin of uncinate processes, but the wider distribution of these structures across Sauropsida remains to be investigated. Although ossified uncinate processes were recovered as ...
Muscular System Learning Goals: Know major muscles and their functions Match exercises to muscles used understand movement terminology Major Muscles of the Body Good interactive site: http://www.exrx.net/ Refer to handout/anatomical diagram and chart for muscles you should know. Movement Terms ...
vast-tools has been widely used to detect and quantify AS in multiple vertebrate and non-vertebrate animals with a wide range of intron-exon structures, as well as unicellular eukaryotes, with very high validation rates [25, 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34]. Employing the framework of VastDB [...
Describe the major function of the reproductive system. Describe the characteristics of keratin in terms of its structure, function, and significance. Give and explain the two main branches of biology. Compare and contrast the major structures and functions of invertebrates and vertebrates. ...