In this Letter, we report the discovery of a new dwarf satellite to the Milky Way, located at (ra, dec) = (158.72,51.92) in the constellation of Ursa Major. This object was detected as an overdensity of red, resolved stars in Sloan Digital Sky Survey data. The color-magnitude diagram...
Many of those stars are believed to be the wreckage of the so-called "last major merger," referring to the last time the Milky Way experienced a significant collision with another galaxy. Scientists think this final major collision may have involved a massivedwarf galaxy, and the event is kno...
A photograph of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy that is merging with the Milky Way. (The foreground globular cluster 47 Tucana is seen at the right.) Astronomers using the Gaia mission and the new H3 Survey of stars in the Milky Way’s halo have shown that the Galaxy’...
The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, a flattish disc of stars with two spiral arms emerging from its central nucleus. About one-quarter of all galaxies have this shape. Spiral galaxies are well supplied with the interstellar gas in which new stars form: as the rotating spiral pattern sweeps ...
INTRODUCTION O NE of the main purposes of the present investigation, henceforth referredto as Paper I, consists in stars, already classified in the MK system by other authors (see notesto Table V), are found in the investigated field. MILKY WAY REGION given about stars No DOI: 10.1086/11164...
In particular, astronomers are probing to see whether massive stars are more likely to form in regions of star-birth at the center of our galaxy than in the suburbs of the Milky Way’s spiral arms. Typically, star-forming nebulas give birth to the least massive stars, M-dwarfs— and with...
Is the Canis Major dwarf galaxy in the Milky Way? What kind of stars are in Canis Major? When does a star become a main-sequence star? When was Comet ISON discovered? When is Halley's Comet visible in 2020? How far away is Canis Minor from Earth?
The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, a flattish disc of stars with two spiral arms emerging from its central nucleus.About one-quarter of all galaxies have this shape. Spiral galaxies are well supplied with the interstellar gas in which new stars form: as the rotating spiral pattern sweeps ...
Theory that the collision produced a distended, tenuous fog of gas and stars; Application of the findings to the study of galaxy formation throughout the universe; Detection by Gerard Gilmore of the University of Cambridge of a higher number of stars in the Milky Way than its known history ...
And we've really only searched our local corner of the galaxy to find those planets. 而且我们只搜索了银河系里我们眼前的一隅,就发现了这些系外行星。 That means there's likely tens of billions of planets just in our Milky Way. 意味着仅仅在我们的银河系中,就有可能存在几百亿颗行星。