(1998) Boron in the major UK rivers entering the North Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 210-211:41-52.Neal C, Fox KK, Harrow M, Neal M. 1998. Boron in the major UK rivers entering the North Sea. Science of the Total Environ- ment 210/211: 41-51....
Here we show how major rivers can efficiently connect to the deep-sea, by analysing the longest runout sediment flows (of any type) yet measured in action on Earth. These seafloor turbidity currents originated from the Congo River-mouth, with one flow travelling >1,130 km whilst acceleratin...
The occurrence of intersex fish in a number of European rivers has been attributed to exposure to estrogenic chemicals present in sewage treatment work (STW) effluents. To further understand the environmental fate of these contaminants, the estrogenic activity of effluents, water, and sediments were ...
Speirs and Major Associates is a UK lighting design practice founded by Jonathan Speirs and Mark Major in 1992. The practice is particularly noted for its illumination of prominent buildings, including Barajas International Airport, 30 St Mary Axe ('The Gherkin'), the Millennium Dome and the ...
N. (2011). Assessment of metal pollution based on multivariate statistical modelling of soils from Gediz and Buyuk Menderes Rivers. Survival and sustainability: Environmental concerns in the 21st century, Edited by: Gokcekus, H (Gokcekus, H); Turker, U (Turker, U); LaMoreaux, JW (LaMore...
3. National Anthem: “God Save the King/Queen” 4. Position and borders 5. components 6. Topography 7 Rivers and coastline 8 Climate III.Exercises 1.What is the geographical position of theUK? Britainis situated in Western Europe and is separated from the European continent by the North Sea...
Elendé village is also near streams, swamps and tributaries of major rivers. These permanent water bodies provide favorable conditions for the multiplication of Anopheles larvae. People in this village benefited from the bednets distributed during the free LLIN distribution campaign 4 years prior to...
Extinct organisms provide vital information about the time of origination and biogeography of extant groups. The development of phylogenetic methods to study evolutionary processes through time has revolutionized the field of evolutionary biology and led
the urban soil of Bihar. Total mean benzo(a)pyrene equivalent (BaPeq) values for the ∑16PAHs were 312.04 ngg−1for the winter season and 262.83 ngg−1for the summer season. These values were higher in current study sites as compared with other studies. However, the concentration range...
The role of intra-interspecific variation in coexistence among five small endemic fish species (Characidae) in subtropical rivers. J Fish Biol 93:238–249. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.13662 Article CAS Google Scholar Noulas C, Tziouvalekas M, Karyotis T (2018) Zinc in soils, water and ...