The loans granted to projects in our major marketing project pool amounted to RMB1,403.6 billion in 2023. As of the end of 2023, we had 10,871.9 thousand corporate banking customers, among which 522.3 thousand customers had outstanding loan balances, representing an increase of 110.8 thousan...
respectively, of the expenditure involved,themajor criteriafordetermining the priority of ambulance replacement, and whether [...] (二 ) 鑒於下月及明年分別會有35及 88輛新救護車投入服務,有關 的開支是多少、決定更換救護車優先次序的主要因素是甚 麼,以及會不會優...
to cover ongoing capital expenditure and debt repayment. 經營部門的現金收入,足以應付日常的非經常開支和償 還借款。 For management purposes, the Group is currently organised intotwooperating divisions-systems development ...
This time, the revised "audit" Another major achievement was the establishment of a public accounting of the Joint Committee (jcpa) and public expenditure voted on behalf of the Executive Committee (hrsce) in Parliament to review the performance audit reports submitted by the federal audit institut...
(6) are basically consistent, with social health expenditure showing a significant positive effect in the control variables, while the regional gross domestic product is significant and the coefficient has increased slightly, indicating that the scale of health human resources is still the core element...
Nature Energythanks David Hart, Eugenie Dugoua and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Additional information Publisher’s noteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. ...
450 Capital expenditure Depreciation and amortisation Change in other provisions Change in provisions for im- pairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Gain from release on govern- ment financing and tax penalties 3,610 1,987 (34) – 802 1,572 (2,708) – 14,632 1,...
Mr. Sheng Chang Quan is the chairman of the committee. The Strategic Committee is responsible for reviewing and providing recommendations in respect of long term development strategic planning, material investment financing proposals, material capital applications, assets operation projects and material ...
Reviews therefore of major medical and health projects are necessary as part of the management process and will be looked at almost every year. 因此,作為管理過 程的㆒部分,有必要對 大 型醫療衛 生計 劃進行檢 討,而政府差不 多每年都會檢討㆒次。 (a) Human ...
However, some overspending was duetojournalstocorrect prior year entries and expenditure incurred in relation to separation[...] 但是,一些超支是由于纠 正去年入账的分录账和以及单独案件的离职费用方面的支出造成的。