While it covers a large area along South America’s eastern coast, most of Brazil’s borders fall in the continent’s interior. The country’s port sector has an average annual turnover of 700 million tons of various goods. Hence, the ports in Brazil contribute more than 90% of the coun...
One of the largest ports in Italy, Genoa has long commanded a significant volume of trade and commerce through the region. Located on the Western coast, it competes with larger European ports such as Marseille and Barcelona. It is one of the busiest ports of the region, is an artificial ha...
港口portsmajorworldchongjin世界主要港口MajorPortsWorld 系统标签: 港口portsmajorworldchongjindurres NameoftheportCountryorRegion港口名称国家或地区AlgiersAlgeria阿尔及尔阿尔巴尼亚DurresAlbania都拉斯阿尔巴尼亚OranAlgeria奥兰阿尔及利亚BuenosAiresArgentina布宜若斯艾利斯阿根廷RosarioArgentina罗萨利奥阿根廷DubaiU.A.E.迪拜阿联酋...
The article discusses the plan of Brazilian government to make investment into the port sector through container terminal sell-off, and also mentions the views of Helder Barbalho, Minister for Ports, on the investment in ports and challenges within the sector.Ward...
In northeastern China's Liaoning, the resumption rate of Liaoning Port Group, which operates some of the major ports in the province, has exceeded 97 percent. Some of the busy shipping routes are also back in action, which means a gradual return to healthy business for one of...
The strike will affect key ports including New York/New Jersey, Houston, and Charleston, South Carolina,backing up goodsahead of the holiday season and U.S. presidential elections. Some cargo is already being diverted to West Coast ports in preparation for the potential strike on October 1....
【题】 Major causes o f recor d fires sucepin g across th e Amazon rainforest this month in clud e th e dry scason an d human activities , a ccording to research institutions an d medi a re ports.T h e rain forest is typically wet an d humi d , an d th e frequency o f ...
The narcotics were shipped from loading points in Brazil, Colombia, Guayana, Trinidad and Tobago, Santa Lucia, Barbados and Panama to Spanish ports in the Canary Islands, the southern region of Andalusia and the eastern city of Valencia
A sheltered port within the Bay of Montevideo, it is one of the busiest ports on the eastern South American coast and contributes significantly to the nation’s economy. It functions as a vital maritime gateway for landlocked countries of Bolivia, Paraguay, parts of Brazil and Argentina. ...