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The starting point of the present investigation was the apparent inconsistency of the design formulas of DIN 18800 and Eurocode 3 for steel beams under axial compression and uni-axial bending about the majro axia. Although these codes yield similar results for axial compression and bi-axial bending...
(CIRMF), Carine Ngoagouni (Pasteur Bangui), Nicolas Nesi (MNHN) and Didier Tshikung (UNILU), Jörg Thiel (Gotha), Additional information Accession codes: All virus sequences reported in this study have been deposited in the GenBank nucleotide database under accession numbers FJ971940 to ...
(CIRMF), Carine Ngoagouni (Pasteur Bangui), Nicolas Nesi (MNHN) and Didier Tshikung (UNILU), Jörg Thiel (Gotha), Margrit Bemmann (Schwerin), Daniela Reil, Christian Imholt, Jens Jacob, Katarina Kühn, Engelbert Kampling, Mechthild Budde, Dagmar Funck (JKI, Münster), Jona Freise, ...
and which are minor. It also helps them to learn how to accept the life problems that cannot be changed. Third, problem solving therapy is usually needed to change the areas of the person’s life that are creating significant stress, and contributing to the depression. Behavioral therapy can...
rice yield in these districts was mainly attributed to the characteristic high temperatures in these districts, causing crop failures under minor changes in intra-annual rainfall distribution. Further, for the sake of fitting SMLR, the normality of the yield data was tested using normal Q–Q plots...
In the minor damage area, the water supply system could recover in a short time; average water use is calculated as 7 L per person per day. This assessment does not consider the additional safe drinking water demand for rescue workers. 3.5.2. Risk Assessment of Infectious Disease The ...