Today, the frequencies of J1-M267 peak in Yemen (73%), followed by other countries of the Arabian Peninsula (∼35–60%) and speakers of Northeast Caucasian languages (>50%). The role of J1-M267 remains robust (p < 0.01) even after controlling for protein consumption and all the socio...
Communicating with Asia: Major other languages in Asia, their international status and impact on education Thompson's object of study is based on his Christological reflections within the Asian context. Religious pluralism, poverty, and western colonialism have ... G Leitner,A Hashim,HG Wolf 被引...
Among the majors in the US, computer science is one of the preferred professions to settle in the US with many different working positions such as programming languages, robot manufacturing, artificial intelligence, etc. Salary after graduation: Can be up to 81,500 USD/year (about 1.9 billion ...
Surabaya, kota (city), capital of East Java (Jawa Timur) propinsi (or provinsi; province), Indonesia. Situated on the northeastern coast of Java, it lies along the Surabaya Strait opposite the island of Madura. The canalized Mas River, which is a branch
Kao-hsiung has a number of colleges and junior colleges offering training in commerce, education, maritime technology, medicine, modern languages, nursing, and technology. An international airport and the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Freeway serve the city. Area 1,137 square miles (2,947 square km). ...
This can be confusing for speakers of languages like English that have letters which represent multiple sounds. For example, in English, these words all use different letters to represent an “f”sound: Fire enouGH PHotograph stuFF That short example shows at least four ways to write the “f”...
Main languages spoken in the city include Kannada (31%), Tamil (27%), Telugu (17%) and Hindustani/Urdu (15%). Bangalore has also become renowned for its scientific community. It is home to the Indian Institute of Science (1909), the Raman Research Institute (1943), the National ...
The user interface supports right-to-left languages, and accessibility features such as VoiceOver, sticky keys, and reduced transparency options are also available.The app is available in Bahasa Indonesia, Čeština, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Lëtzebuergesch, Magyar, ...
Martin AndrewLe Hong TranInternational Journal of Language Education. Faculty of Languages and LiteratureUNM Jl Daeng Tata Raya Makassar, South Sulawesi 90224 Indonesia. e-mail:; Web site:
No errors have been fixed yet as of March 21st 2021. Please report translation errors here. Make sure to backup your correction with sources and guide me, as I don't know languages other than English well (I plan on getting a translator eventually) please cite wiktionary and other sources ...