埃克森美孚 Major Oil Producing Companies http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/oil/gfx/titlephoto2.jpg MAJOROILPRODUCINGCORPORATIONS CANADABOLIVARIANREPUBLICOFVENEZUELASAUDIARABIA CANADA ImperialOil CompanyProfile •••••• Largestintegratedoilcompany5,100employeesOwnedandoperatedbyExxonMobilFoundedin...
3.Of the six companies operating in the park, the largest is Daqing Lianhua, a PetroChina subsidiary.在园区的六家公司中,中石油的子公司——大庆炼化是最大的。 4.an integrated oil company大型石油(联合)公司 5.Australian Institute of Petroleum, Ltd.澳大利亚石油有限公司 6.Atlantic Richfield Co.大西...
AIMO HOLDING ABHolding Company for Mobility Hub business (Parking and Mobility service) in Sweden, Norway and FinlandAutomotiveSweden ALCEDO SRLIntegrated supply of agricultural materials in RomaniaChemical SolutionsRomania AS BALTEMSale of Komatsu construction machinery in EstoniaTransportation & Construction...
Borouge, a joint-venture between the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), one of the world's major oil companies, and Borealis, a leading provider of chemical and innovative plastics solutions, has awarded three major Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts valued at approximat...
In the third quarter of fiscal 2013, Siemens made progress in strengthening its core business activities. Orders rose considerably on a major contract win. Total Sectors Profit declined due to charges related to the implementation of the Siemens 2014 program. Revenue declined slightly owing to a ...
Borouge, a joint-venture between the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), one of the world's major oil companies, and Borealis, a leading provider of chemical and innovative plastics solutions, has awarded three major Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts valued at ...
COVID-19 and the decline in the global oil demand have resulted in a dip of revenue for many oil and gas companies in Nigeria.
Outline Domestic warehousing transportation and customs clearance, and real estate leasing, globally integrated transportation services Country Japan Name of Company Mitsui & Co. Real Estate Holdings Inc.Consolidated subsidiary Outline Real estate development, leasing, sales and consulting services Country Japa...
Petrobras S.A.PBR, the Brazilian state-owned oil company, has signed a major contract withSLBSLB, a leading global oilfield services provider, for the maintenance of its offshore fields. SLB will offer integrated services for all offshore fields operated by Petrobras, particularly in the Campos...
a leading global commerce company powering the circular economy, today announced the sealed bid auction of energy surplus assets for a leading integrated oil and gas partner. Three unused, uninstalled ANGI compressed natural gas (CNG) refueling stations are currently available until 6:00 pm EDT ...