Here is information about holidays throughout the year, such as New Years, St. Patrick's Day, April Fools, Christmas, Ramadan, Yom Kippur, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Cinco de Mayo, Groundhog Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Women's History Month, and more
This is one of the holidays that makes up Golden Week. As a result, various events are held throughout the country on this date. All types of sightseeing areas and public transportation systems, such as the shinkansen (bullet train) and highways, will beextremely crowded at this time. If ...
Kinabalu, exploring the national parks and caves, or just relaxing on the beach. Some of the East Coast beaches and islands have a low season when the northeast monsoon makes the seas too choppy (November to February) but beaches elsewhere in the country are enjoyable throughout the year....
6 • MAJOR HOLIDAYS Switzerland's legal holidays are New Year's Day (January 1), Good Friday and Easter Monday (in March or April), Ascension Day and Whitmonday (in April or May), Bundesfeier (which resembles the American Fourth of July and occurs on August 1), and Christmas (...
Three secular public holidays in Lebanon are: Labor Day (May 1); Martyrs' Day, which honors patriots killed by the Turks during World War I (May 6); and Independence Day (November 22). The Christian New Year's Day (January 1) is celebrated in Beirut by shooting tracer bullets out ov...
Things to Do in Miyazaki: A Guide to the Prefecture's Family-Friendly Gems Miyazaki A Seafood Paradise! 19 Excellent Products From Eastern Japan Aomori Japan's Public Holidays in 2025-2026, Major Events, and Travel Tips Food Expenses for Travel in Japan: 1,000 Yen Meals and Budget Ti...
Before you move forward, consider incorporating these best practices both now and throughout the year. Thank Your Donors Did you get an influx… Read more »Full Webinar: Philanthropy: Trends Shaping the Sector Posted December 1, 2022, by Wendy McGrady, Executive Vice President. Topic: ...
The knock-on effect of inflation pushed 61% of couples to increase their budgets at least once, while 57% opted for more DIY elements to keep costs down. Fewer couples chose to go into debt to pay for their weddings last year, with only one in 10 taking out loans or getting new credi...
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6 • MAJOR HOLIDAYS New Year's (January 1), or Farsang, begins a season of formal dances and parties throughout the country that lasts until Ash Wednesday (sometime in February). On March 15, the 1848–49 Revolution is commemorated with speeches, flag-waving, and parades. Easter ...