Background Major haemorrhage protocols (MHP) are required as part of damage control resuscitation regimens in modern trauma care. The primary objectives of this study were to ascertain whether a \{MHP\} improved blood product administration and reduced waste compared to traditional massive transfusion ...
Irrespective of the etiology of haemorrhage, rapid and efficient intervention using proactive standardised protocols should gain precedence in the management of major obstetric haemorrhage. As the available resources vary between institutions, protocol specific to each insti...
THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MASSIVE HAEMORRHAGE PROTOCOL (MHP) FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF MAJOR TRAUMA:A TEN YEAR,SINGLE CENTRE STUDY OF PATIENT OUTCOMESelectronic publisheronline databasesonline resourcesAustralasian research informationscholarly researche-titles
Rockall TA, Logan RFA, Devlin HB, Northfield TC; Steering Committee and Members of the National Audit of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage. Incidence of and mortality from acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage in the United Kingdom. BMJ. 1995;311(6999):222-226. doi:10.1136/bmj.311.6999...
syndrome and percutaneous coronary intervention30. Previous direct comparisons with HEMORR2HAGES15and ATRIA14have showed that HAS-BLED was a good as (or even superior) in the evaluation of bleeding risk11,17,32, even in ‘real world’ settings33and in predicting intracranial haemorrhage (ICH)34....
. The proposed systematic review will evaluate the evidence on the clinical effectiveness of pre-hospital blood components (red blood cells and/or plasma or whole blood), in both civilian and military settings, compared with other resuscitation strategies in patients with major traumatic haemorrhage....
The proposed systematic review will evaluate the evidence on the clinical effectiveness of pre-hospital blood components (red blood cells and/or plasma or whole blood), in both civilian and military settings, compared with other resuscitation strategies in patients with major traumatic haemorrhage. ...
Implementation and evaluation of a major haemorrhage protocol in the Emergency Department Resuscitation Area in the University-affiliated Hospital of Brest (France).doi:10.1016/j.tracli.2018.08.160M. DargèreM.-L. LanglaisC. GangloffC. Léostic...
Rather than reject the use of protocols because of issues of compliance and resourcing, these should be acknowledged in order to better inform the development and implementation of a protocol. With reference to the specific design of a major haemorrhage protocol for use in an acute NHS trust, a...
Khan, S., et al., A major haemorrhage protocol improves the delivery of blood component therapy and reduces waste in trauma massive transfusion. Injury, 2013. 44(5): p. 587-92.Khan S, Allard S, Weaver A, Barber C, Davenport R, Brohi K: A major haemorrhage protocol improves the ...