Major-customer geographic proximity and supplier trade credit: empirical evidence from ChinaJie GaoFeng Huang
Major ions in typical subterranean rivers and their anthropogenic impacts in southwest karst areas, China GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF TRICHOTHECENE CHEMOTYPES OF THE FUSARIUM GRAMINEARUM SPECIES COMPLEX IN MAJOR WINTER WHEAT PRODUCTION AREAS OF CHINA Operating Areas of Major Players in China 我国主要农耕区水...
grid.9227.e0000000119573309Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources ResearchCAS 100101 Beijing ChinaSP Science in China PressJournal of Geographical SciencesFan J, 2007. The scientific foundation of major function oriented zoning in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 62(4): 339-350. (in ...
manufacturing across more than one geographic [...] 通过这项协议,有关公司能够将其各自的知识产权产品组合进行交叉销售;推出全球性的市场营销活动;更有效地 为在多个地域从事设计及制造的原设备制造(OEM)客户提供服务;无论有关生产程序在世界哪处进行,都能有效追踪有关的设计项目,相关企业...
A bit messy, isn't it? There are no less than 25 types of climate shown on this map. But some of these climates are quite similar to each other. So, let's simplify this a bit. This simpler map breaks it down into ten climates in all of Asia. If we focus on the subject of ...
Major Highlights of Blockchain GameCompetitive Landscape The company profile section analyses the company's operational structure, major products and services offering, geographic footprints and subsidiaries, key management executives and their biographies along with...
As of 2022, it has roughly 1.38 billion people, only slightly behind China! India is a nation filled with a rich history and a diverse collection of people. This lesson will go over some of its major geographic features, such as rivers, an ocean, and mountains. ...
Taklimakan Desert has been argued to be largely redeposited onto the desert and surrounding mountains. The Hobq Desert and the Otindag/Horqin sandy lands are also excluded as sources of Chinese loess because of their relative geographic locations with respect to the CLP (Sun et al.2001; Zhang...
São Paulo, estado (state) of southeastern Brazil, bordering on the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast and bounded by the states of Minas Gerais (northeast), Rio de Janeiro (east), Paraná (southwest), and Mato Grosso do Sul (west). São Paulo constitut
As indicated above, the geographic range of iridoviruses associated with systemic clinical disease is worldwide. However, it is not clear whether a single isolate is responsible for global disease, or whether distinct viral “species” are responsible for regional outbreaks. Hedrick et al. (1992b...