What does the Department of Agriculture in the Philippines do? What is the capital of Zambia? What is the largest desert in Africa? What are the main economic activities in Belize? What is Nigeria's main religion? What group is most responsible for the deforestation in the Amazon rainforest...
Question: Why does cnidarians exist in two forms? Answer: There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria - the polyp and the medusa. Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae. I don't exactly know why there are two forms. Question: What is the...
Crop landraces have unique local agroecological and societal functions and offer important genetic resources for plant breeding. Recognition of the value of landrace diversity and concern about its erosion on farms have led to sustained efforts to establ
The mobility of trace metals in soils depends on both the chemical and physical properties of the soil, and the speciation of the elements (Kabata-Pendias, 2004). They can be present in different forms in the soil such as total, exchangeable, and bioavailable. The exchangeable metals attach ...
[22] in Nigeria reported that the geographical distribution correlated with the ecological or climatic factors as the M form is more adapted to the dry environment and breeds along irrigated fields than the S form which is commonly found in humid forest areas and temporary pools. The predominance...
European intervention in the Gulf area 444 Abuja, Nigeria began in the early sixteenth century with the Portuguese, who established a commercial monopoly. Their ascendancy was later challenged by the Dutch and then by the British who, as they consolidated their supremacy over India, became ...
This paper contributes to the available literature in the following ways: We examine the APT in wholesale and retail prices of major staples in Uganda putting into consideration the three forms of APT, i.e., in speed and magnitude, positive and negative, and vertical and spa- tial ...
not significantly (downstream of large plantation agriculture, irrigation water increases in the territory of Nigeria). Nile: the longest river in the world; flows through Egypt and Sultan and flows into the Mediterranean Sea from south to north. ...
Even they may be far away from science fiction depicted human-like forms of intelligence, and they pos- sess several characteristics that are common in work aiming to iterate essential out of the bulk (e.g. in data processing). Customer (as service user or citizen) profiling tends to ...
oil cocoa in Brazil [10] and in India [1 1—13].There are two distinct forms of Phytophthora associated with cacao in N ig eria, which exhibit clear cultural, morp ho log ical and p athogenicity differences o n p ods [14].However,most of the isolates in Nigeria are ...