Major climax forests are in an alarming state regarding future carbon security. Large trees and selective species act as key regulators of biomass stocks; however, species diversity also has a positive influence and should also reflect under management implications....
Major Forests of Africa Major Glaciers of Africa Major Grasslands of Africa Major Dams of Africa Major Minerals of India Major Minerals of Asia Major Minerals of Oceania Major Minerals of Canada Major Minerals of EuropeKickstart Your Career Get certified by completing the course Get Started Print...
In temperate regions, savannas became much more widespread, at the expense of forests, during the long, cool, dry intervals—contemporaneous with theice ages, or glacial intervals, of thePleistocene Epoch(2.6 million to 11,700 years ago). Studies of fossilizedpollenin sediments from sites in Sou...
Additive aboveground biomass equations were developed for individual trees of eight major species in the over-logged forests of northeast China using data from 286 trees destructively sampled in these forests.Diameter at breast height was the only predictor variable used in the model specification.The ...
The tarai soils are rich in nitrogen and organic matter but are deficient in phosphate. These soils are generally covered by tall grasses and forests but are suitable for a number of crops such as wheat, rice, sugarcane, jute and soyabean under reclaimed conditions. ...
地貌地球ofEarth地球的ThemajortheearthEARTH 系统标签: landformsearth地貌majormountains地球 66MAJORLANDFORMSOFTHEEARTHYoumusthaveseensomeofthelandformfeaturesasshownintheFigure6.1below.Youwillnoticethatthesurfaceoftheearthisnotthesameeverywhere.Theearthhasaninfinitevarietyoflandforms.Somepartsofthelithospheremayberugged...
Sub-Saharan Africa is under-represented in global biodiversity datasets, particularly regarding the impact of land use on species’ population abundances. Drawing on recent advances in expert elicitation to ensure data consistency, 200 experts were conve
Proceedings of a workshop on Asia-Pacific resources and their potential for development, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 19... This issue contains the proceedings of the Chiang Mai workshop on edible forests insects conducted in Thailand during February 2008. Studies focus on the s... PB Durst,DV ...
Also, tropical forests have been, and still are being, destroyed by human activity. For instance, archaeological evidence suggests that the Rajputana desert in India was as fertile as a tropical forest only 1000 years ago, which implies that its Bowen ratio, which is now in the range 2–6...
New forests. 17(1):71-88. Sewell MM, Sherman BK, Neale DB (1999) A consensus map for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). I. Construction and integration of individual linkage maps from two outbred three-generation pedigrees. Genetics 151(1):321–330 Article CAS Google Scholar Shalizi MN,...