The findings of this research will be disseminated through scholarly articles and presentations at national and international conferences. Therefore, this study will make a valuable contribution to the current treatment options for patients with MDD and offer a non-pharmacological intervention approach that...
Her scholarly interests include 20 th -Century American literature and environmental ethics. Currently, she serves as the Bibliographer and writes the "Steinbeck Today" feature for The Steinbeck Review . Journal Articles Abbott, Scott, and Lyn Bennett. "Literary Barbed Wire: Reifying the Metaphor....
In one year, 1946, 3.4 million Americans were born, a jump from 2.8 million just the year before (at the height of World War II) and 2.4 million a decade earlier (in the midst of the Depression). Just five days into 1947, The Washington Post heralded the start of the baby boom, a...
This has provided rich opportunities for developing scholarly insights through an identity politics focus. At the same time, global- ization has a major economic dependence and economic factors remain powerful shaping forces in Canadian politics. As such, political economy analyses remain relevant, and...