Tokyo and Yokohama were devastated by an earthquake in 1923. During World War II (1941–45), Japan attacked the United States and Great Britain (in 1941). Defeat in World War II stripped Japan of its overseas empire and military. Its economy and most of its large cities were devastated. ...
3.major- greater in number or size or amount; "a major portion (a majority) of the population"; "Ursa Major"; "a major portion of the winnings" minor- inferior in number or size or amount; "a minor share of the profits"; "Ursa Minor" ...
Beijing, China is one of the largest capital cities with a population of almost 22 million people. New Delhi in India, Tokyo in Japan, and Moscow in Russia are also massive cities with populations over 12 million people. What are the 10 largest capital cities in the world? The 10 most ...
Second, this method is applied to all of Japan where expressways are now being rapidly constructed and, how they change spheres of urban influence is explained. In the application, as a measure of attractiveness of cities, population, commercial and industrial activity, etc. are considered. From...
Surabaya’s port, Tanjungperak, lies just north of the city and next to Ujung, Indonesia’s main naval station. Of Indonesian cities, Surabaya is surpassed in size only by Jakarta and has remained the chief commercial centre of eastern Java. From its port is shipped the bulk of Java’s ...
Tokyo the capital of Japan is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also one of the world’s most modern cities. Twice last century the city was destroyed and rebuilt. In 1923 a major earthquake struck the city. Thousands of people were killed and millions were left homeless as...
Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also one of the world’s most modern cities. Twice last century, the city was destroyed and rebuilt. In 1923 a major earthquake struck the city. Thousands of people were killed
Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also one of the world’s most modern cities. Twice last century, the city was destroyed and rebuilt. In 1923 a major earthquake struck the city. Thousands of people were killed and millions were left homeless...
根据第一段“Population: about 4, 100, 000, 000(人口: 约4100000000)”以及第二段“Area: 44, 579, 000 square kilometers(面积: 4457.9万平方公里)”以及第三段“Major (主要的) cities: Tokyo, Jakarta, Seoul, Delhi, Mumbai, Manila, Shanghai, Osaka, Kolkata, Karachi(主要城市:东京、雅加达、...
Tokyo the capital of Japan is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also one of the world’s most modern cities. Twice last century the city was destroyed and rebuilt. In 1923 a major earthquake struck the city. Thousands of people were killed and millions were left homeless as...