Majesty, worship His Majesty, Unto to Jesus be all glory, honour, and praise. Majesty, kingdom authority, Flow from His throne, unto His own, His anthem raise. So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus, Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King. Majesty, worship His majesty, Jesu...
Majesty, worship His majesty Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise Majesty, kingdom authority Sign in to View Full Lyrics Performing Artists Bill & Gloria Gaither Performer Composition & Lyrics Jack Hayford Composer Production & Engineering ...
Majesty, worship His majesty, D Bm C A Unto Jesus be all glory, power, and praise. D G Em Majesty, kingdom, authority D A7 Flow from His throne unto His own, D His anthem raise. A So exalt, lift up D on high the name of Jesus. Em A F#m A Magnify, come glorify Christ Jes...
酷狗音乐为您提供由Praise Time Ministry演唱的高清音质无损Worship His Majesty / Blessed Assurance / I Have Heardmp3在线听,听Worship His Majesty / Blessed Assurance / I Have HeardAI音乐版、唢呐版、DJ版、钢琴版、伴奏版、清唱版、尤克里里版、骨笛版、变速版、变
Majesty, worshipHis majesty, Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise. 敬拜主, 敬拜全能的主,荣耀能力,一切赞美都归给祂. 互联网 His Majestywill honour us with a visit. 国王要大驾光临使我们感到十分荣幸. 互联网 Sydney Brenner receiving his Nobel Prize fromHis Majestythe King at the Stockholm...
Majesty Worship His Majestymajesty worship his majesty chords
20. For in this manner, instead of expiating other sins by the exercise of religion, I say, in offering thus unto God Almighty such a worship as we esteem to be displeasing unto Him, we add unto the number of our other sins those also of hypocrisy and contempt of His Divine Majesty...
Worship His Majesty 定价: 180.00元 ISBN: 9780830723980 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 Worship His Majesty的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书...
your majesty 只对国王和王后用,第三人称用his/her majesty your grace 对象是公爵、公爵夫人、大主教...