where Y is the maize yield (kg/ha), I is the irrigation quota (m3), R is the rainfall per hectare (m3), and W is the consumed water amounts per hectare (m3). Five maize per treatment were sampled for the nutritional quality measurements. The threshed maize kernels were evenly mixed...
As a result the yield was only 0.76 tonnes per hectare (t/ha), 40% below the long term average27. This equated to 57% of the national food requirement and left 5 million people requiring food aid27. To mitigate these impacts, in the mid-2000s, the Government of Malawi (GoM) ...
The application of fertilizer to ensure the steady improvement of crop yield has become the main means of agricultural production. However, it remains to be determined whether fertilization practices with different combinations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and organic (O) fertil...
The United States is the top maize-producing country in the world with a total production of 383 million tonnes in 2021 and record-breaking productivity of 11.9 tonnes per hectare (USDA, 2022). The US corn belt is an ideal area for experimentation using machine learning because of wealth of...
Maize is the most important cereal cultivated in Ethiopia as it ranks second after teff in area coverage, first in total national production and yield per hectare (CSA 2015). The national maize yield average is of 2.95 t/ha (CSA 2012). This is far below the world’s average which is ab...
Conclusively, intercropping maize with Bambara groundnut at 71,428 plants per hectare integrated with two hand weedings at 4 and 8 weeks after sowing (WAS), which optimized maize grain yield (3.87 t/ha on the two-year average) is recommended for farmers in the Calabar humid ar...
Per hectare yield raise(from 7000-8000 to 11000kg) results from tolerant to dense and high-yield varieties,rational close planting,increase in fertilizer,intensive cultivation and more effective field management in high-yield maize region of Jilin province. Varieties play an important role in increas...
and the yield per hectare increased at 1.2% (http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC/visualize). Apparently, two main agronomic factors, including expansion of cropped land areas and yield increases, contributed the sustainable increase in soybean production in the past decades. Further expansion...
With the straw mulch treatment, grain yield was recorded at 11.7 Mg ha–1 which was 18% greater than the nomulch treatment. The increase in grain yield for mulching treatment was supported by better yield components. Kernels number per ear and kernels number per area were found significantly ...
TDM/HA=TOTAL DRY MATTER PER HECTARE. Yield of total dry plant material in metric tons per hectare. TEXEAR=EAR TEXTURE. A 1 to 9 visual rating was used to indicate the relative hardness (smoothness of crown) of mature grain. A 1 would be very soft (extreme dent) while a 9 would be...