Globally, maize is foremost crop in terms of area (over 140 million hectares) and the average productivity (more than 4 tonnes per hectare). It is anticipated that by 2020 the worldwide demand for maize will exceed that of wheat and rice (Puttramanaik etal.,2011). In India the maize ...
Maize is one o the most important cereal crops o the world and contributes to ood security in most o the developing countries. In India, maize is emerging as third most important crop a ter rice and wheat. Its importance lies in the act that it is not only used or human ood and ...
In a 3-year study, maize (Zea maysL.) sown on 11 November or 1 December produced longer ears, higher grain yield per plant and greater grain yield per hectare than maize sown on 21 October. However, 100-kernel weight was greater when the crop was sown on 21 October and 11 November ...
Maize is one of the important cereal crops grown in rainfed regions of northwestern Himalayas, however, persistent use of chemical fertilizers coupled with poor soil nutrients and water holding capacity due to coarse textured soils poses serious threat to sustaining maize yield and soil health. To a...
Per hectare yield raise(from 7000-8000 to 11000kg) results from tolerant to dense and high-yield varieties,rational close planting,increase in fertilizer,intensive cultivation and more effective field management in high-yield maize region of Jilin province. Varieties play an important role in increas...
c-f, Comparison of hundred-kernel weight (c), kernel number per plant (d), grain yield per plant (e) and grain yield per hectare (f) between lac1 and W22 under five different planting densities in Tieling in 2021. g-j, Comparison of hundred kernel weight (g), kernel number per ...
The United States is the top maize-producing country in the world with a total production of 383 million tonnes in 2021 and record-breaking productivity of 11.9 tonnes per hectare (USDA, 2022). The US corn belt is an ideal area for experimentation using machine learning because of wealth of...
(Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shandong and Jiangsu) exceeded 400 kg per mu in 2019, reaching the highest yield in Jilin Province, 7.2 tons per hectare7. Northern China, as the main area of intensive maize cultivation, has contributed greatly to ensuring food security in China...
base of the ear. Ear position (EPO) was calculated as the ratio of plant height and ear height. Grain yield (GY) was recorded in terms of ear weight per plot immediately after crop harvest at 12.5% grain moisture content and 80% shelling percentage and transformed to tons per hectare. ...
Pusa Vivek B 2017 India 93 5.5–5.9 [117] 3. Challenges facing biofortification 3.1. A. yield per hectare Initially, most biofortified grains had comparatively lower yields (<4 metric tonnes per hectare) than their white counterparts (Table 3). This had a serious implication as farmers were ...