The FAW which was previously reported in Western Kenya has now spread to other regions such as Kwale County in the Coast. In its latest "evidence note" report on the FAW, CABI said the caterpillar has the potential to cause maize yield losses ranging from 8.3 to 20.6 million tonnes per an...
Yield loss estimates ranged between 0.18 to 2.7 tonnes per acre. Farmers adopted a combination of control strategies, to mitigate the effect of FAW. We conclude that FAW is a problematic pest in Kenya, based on the observed significant losses due to this pest. To inform policy on appropriate...
Despite the efforts by the government and development partners, levels of technology adoption remain low (Republic of Kenya [2007]; Ogada et al. [2010]). While average adoption rates of improved maize varieties and inorganic fertilizer of 65 per cent and 76 per cent, respectively, appear impres...
Maize yield Productivity 8, 12, 16, 20 100 kg-bags per acre Legume yield Productivity 0, 2, 4 100 kg-bags per acre Risk Productivity 0 in 5 years, 1 in 5 years, 2 in 5 years, 3 in 5 years Soil fertility effect Environment Negative, neutral, positive Nutritive value of output Human...
Research is under the aegis of IIAM, a governmental institution responsible for the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project, which includes Mozambique, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya and Uganda through their own agricultural research institutes. ...
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Madagascar could be some of the few remaining African countries with medium and optimal suitability by 2100 (Fig.2b,d). Unsuitable areas will increase under CSIRO, with a 36% increment, compared to the 29% indicated under MIROC (Table2). In Asia, reductions in ...
Relation of yield per acre of maize to cost per bagParish, E.Farming in South Africa
Soil degradation, low cereal yields, and poor yield response to inorganic fertilizer are serious problems in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), including Kenya. Soil fertility management (SFM) practices such as maize-legume intercropping and organic fertilizer use, particularly when used jointly...
However, when inorganic fertiliser prices rise, farmers are more likely to use organic fertiliser and use less inorganic fertiliser per acre. These results suggest that price policies alone are unlikely to be effective ways to promote SI of maize production in Kenya.David Olson...
Kenyasub-Saharan AfricaSoil fertility management (SFM) practices such as maize-legume intercropping and organic fertiliser, particularly when used jointly with inorganic fertiliser, have the potential to increase yields and yield response to inorganic fertiliser, improve soil health, and contribute to ...