By Sarah MowerJanuary 25, 2017View SlideshowJohn Galliano’s collection soared this morning, hitting a wildly creative flow not seen—or felt—from him since he stepped into Maison Margiela. With Joan Baez singing “Diamonds and Rust” (1975) on the soundtrack, and references to contemporary yo...
不管你喜不喜欢现在的Maison Margiela,换了Galliano之后,这个品牌依然是设计先锋的代表,每一季各种折腾各种闹,首先必须是搞死你,颠覆你对服装的认知,然后用各种解构各种工艺让你感觉,嗯,设计师自由创作的维度拓到这一季的最宽。这是我喜欢的Maison Margiela! 先看Spring 2017里面Haute Couture的秀场图片: 换了设计师,...
The bench of British editors seated across the soaringly beautiful marble runway at Maison Margiela were already a picture of post-Brexit misery. Yet as the first chords of Leonard Cohen’s “Last Year’s Man” were strummed over the PA, their faces fell further. You’ve read your last ...
在这个追逐特立独行,vetements遭热捧的时代,Maison Margiela 17春夏高定秀横空出世,成为时尚界的一针强心剂,天马行空的创意让人大开眼界,再次点燃众人对时装的向往这件缀有人脸图案的作品惊艳四座。由John Galliano邀请艺术家Benjamin Shine所创作,用蒸汽熨斗在薄纱上勾勒出人像,令人印象深刻。毫无疑问,这事注定载入时装...
MM6 Maison Margiela 作为设计师品牌Maison Margiela Paris的副线品牌 MM6可以让你用相比主线系列单品便宜40%-50%的价格就能拥有玛吉拉品牌的设计 更加有活力并且别具街头风格的设计很受年轻人欢迎 ✤ 继续延续品牌经典的抽象、解构、手绘风格元素 带来一系列艺术风格强烈的街头风服饰 ...
Maison Margiela Spring 2017 Couture / by John Galliano / 薄纱的极致应用, 印象最深刻的一件.
No definitive answers were given, as Galliano—true to the house of Margiela—doesn’t brief the press after his presentations. Perhaps the actual key to it all was the beautiful, mint-color mackintosh that calmly introduced the show. It had apparently nothing to do with the rest: the inside...
Maison Margiela Spring/ Summer 2017~@新浪时尚 #秀场玩大片# û收藏 23 9 ñ119 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...时尚达人 时尚潮人 双语主持 时尚博主 3 公司 徐峰立工作室 查看更多 a 999关注 775.8万粉丝 23737微博 微关系 他的关注...
John Galliano接手后的Maison Margiela(2017年秀场合集) 是卯是卯 8273 播放 · 119 弹幕 Maison Margiela Spring Summer 2017 Paris Fashion Week 王生烟 376 播放 · 0 弹幕 Maison Martin Margiela La fiction 王生烟 746 播放 · 1 弹幕 [巴黎时装周] - [Maison Margiela] [官方超清双版本-Autumn/Wi...
By Sarah MowerJanuary 25, 2017View SlideshowJohn Galliano’s collection soared this morning, hitting a wildly creative flow not seen—or felt—from him since he stepped into Maison Margiela. With Joan Baez singing “Diamonds and Rust” (1975) on the soundtrack, and references to contemporary yo...