MEL Maintenance Expenditure Limit MEL Minimum Equipment Level MEL Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Tullamarine (Airport Code) MEL Modular Electromagnetic Levitator (astrophysics) MEL Micro Enterprise Loan (Trinidad & Tobago facility) MEL Military Exercise Leader (Cooper Institute; Dallas, TX) MEL Mobile ...
The objective of this study was to derive an approach to determine a valid Maintenance Expenditure Limit (MEL) for tires. Historical data and field tests results were examined. Initial data from a Product Assurance test in Ober Ramstadt Germany was also used. It was found that ultrasonic ...
To insure against uneconomic repair, the Army establishes a Maintenance Expenditure Limit (MEL) for reparable items. Repair or overhaul at a cost exceeding the MEL cannot be performed unless a waiver is granted. A recent DOD Inspector General audit recommended the Army raise its MEL for depot ...
To prevent uneconomic repairs, the Army assigns a Maintenance Expenditure Limit (MEL) to each reparable item. The MEL is calculated by applying a percentage factor to the Current Replacement Price (CURP) of the item. Many reparable items have had no procurements in recent years, and thus a ...