Computer Science EngineeringDiscover other topics On this page Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM Analysis) DrEduardo Calixto, in ...
Towards Availability and Maintainability Benchmarks: a Case Study of Benchmarks have historically played a key role in guiding the progress of computer science systems research and development, but have traditionally neglected the areas of availabi lity, maintainability, and evolutionary growth, areas ...
SEMI E10 (Standard for Definition and Measurement of Equipment Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) contains key definitions and formulas as well as confidence limit calculations to characterize semiconductor manufacturing equipment utilization. Integrating this document's standards into business practice...
If you ever need to change the constant’s value, then you just have to change it in a single place: the constant definition. For example, say you’re writing a Circle class, and you need methods to compute the circle’s area, perimeter, and so on. After a few coding minutes, you...
Mikhail Perepletchikov , Caspar Ryan , Keith Frampton, Towards the definition and validation of coupling metrics for predicting maintainability in service-oriented designs, Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: AWeSOMe, CAMS, COMINF, IS, K...
Ahmaro, I., Abualkishik, A.M., Yusoff, M.Z.M.: Taxonomy, definition, approaches, benefits, reusability levels, factors and adaption of software reusability: a review of the research literature. J. Appl. Sci. 14(20), 2396–2421 (2014) Article Google Scholar Kulesza, R., de Sousa...
Towards the Definition of a Maintainability Model for Web Applications The growing diffusion of Web-based services in many and different business domains has triggered the need for new Web applications (WAs). The pressing mark... GAD Lucca,AR Fasolino,P Tramontana,... - European Conference on ...
This chapter deals with maintainability and availability, and begins with the definition of maintainability, and with a discussion on the difference between maintenance and maintainability, and the relation with reliability amongst other basic concepts. Next, it presents important maintainability attributes,...