涉及中国的一些专有名词,尤其是和某些国家有领土争议的地名,要严格按照国家规定的英文拼音和译法来处理。例如,中国大陆的正确表述是 Chinese mainland,不是 mainland China,后者经常见诸西方媒体,有“两国论”之嫌。钓鱼岛的英文表述是 Diaoyu Islands,不是 Senkaku Islands,南沙群岛是 Nansha Islands,不是 The Spratly...
BEIJING, April 24 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese mainland spokesperson Wednesday said the mainland welcomes more young people from Taiwan to visit. "We sincerely invite young people from Taiwan, especially those who have never been to the mainland, to visit and feel the development on the mainland and...
《环球时报》记者8日登录德国几家大型企业网站。其中,汉莎航空全球官网在台湾栏已经加上“中国”,标注为“Taiwan, China”,繁体中文页面显示的是“中国台湾”。同时,香港栏则是“Hongkong, China”,中国大陆为“China( Mainland)”。德国汽车巨头戴姆勒集团旗下的奔驰汽车全球网站上的台湾栏,最近也被改为“Taiwan...
不过,印度蓄意挑衅致中印边境爆发冲突,造成人员伤亡,已经有印度人在类似煽动下宣称要抵制“中国制造”。最近除了有部分印度网民开设假账号故意降低“TikTok”等中国手机应用在Google Play商店的评分,还有人发明了一键删除中国应用的“RemoveChinaApps”。但自2018年以来,中国应用在印度市场上占据主导地位,50多个顶级应...
China's bond market has boomed during the past decade but access for overseas investors has been limited, accentuated by a more global Chinese currency stimulating demand for yuan-denominated assets. The mainland has become the world's third largest bond market with an outstanding amount of about...
Chinese mainland reports 50 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases Staff members check vehicle information at the expressway exit in Shangyu District of Shaoxing,east China's Zhejiang Province,Dec.14,2021.(Xinhua/Weng Xinyang)The Chinese mainland on Tuesday reported 50 new locally transmitted COVID-19 ...
A group of 760 Chinese mainland tourists will start a historic journey to Taiwan on July 4. Holidaymakers will stay in Taiwan for 10 days, while a small group of officials from China´s tourism authorities will pay a seven-day visit. On July 4, they will depart from Beijing, Shanghai...
The first batch of travellers from Hong Kong to Shenzhen pass the bridge linking the two cities at the Lo Wu Control Point at the Hong Kong-Shenzhen boundary in south China, Feb. 6, 2023. (Xinhua/Liang Xu) Tourists from the Chinese mainland have long made up the majority of visitors to...
BEIJING, June 29 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese mainland will streamline administrative approvals for people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to study and work on the mainland, Justice Minister Fu Zhenghua said Friday. To cut red tape and promote service-oriented governance, the State Council has iss...
其实中国大陆正确的表达方式是Mainland of China或Chinese mainland。 讲真,中文翻译过来,在言语上确实有着浓浓机器翻译的味道,但是英文表达肯定是存在争议的,需要反思,是不是不够严谨导致的失误? 吴彦祖于1997年大学毕业,当年他远渡重洋来到香港,见证历史性的时刻。不管是在内地还是香港或是海外,他讲过无数次,香港可...