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Application Restart Control for DB2/IMS/VSAM by BMC, Software to provide checkpointing facilities for batch applications accessing databases. Batch jobs can be restarted from the last successful checkpoint. Requires no application of JCL changes ...
need moved over, they can then have a very fact-based information-rich conversation with the mainframe team along the lines of, “These are the data sets I want, and here’s how often I’d like to get it. Can we figure out what’s the best time to schedule jobs to move it...
JES3 spool operations management solution, fully compatible with all JES environments. Empower your z/OS systems programmers, application programmers, and the ISPF users with comprehensive capabilities to view and control JES2 and JES3 jobs, output, devices, workflow, resources and the entire JES...
(JOB KEY WAS B9C101AA) 42 | Mainframe Access Installation Guide Defining RACF Profiles for JES Spool Access MFA now uses the RACF classes JESSPOOL and JESJOBS to check a user's authority to read or delete a job on the spool. See z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide ...
And they might only work 2 days a week at those jobs. So they take tourist related jobs where they can get additional income and tips. We met an optometrist that cleans apartments. Engineers and doctors that drive taxi’s. It was heart breaking to see this and hear their stories. They ...