Temporary state tax hikes take effect Tuesday, Oct. 1 — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine KEPM - Eastport, Maine - Eastport Municipal Airport". Gre...
You can check the status of your Maine State income tax refund online at the Maine Revenue Services website. You will need to know The primary Social Security Number The filing status The exact amount of your anticipated refund. Click below to check the status of your Maine tax refund: ...
ch. 603, .04 - Administrative expenses | State Maine fiduciary income tax return (Form 1041ME).The addition modification mustequal the administrative expenses deducted on federal Form 1041 that are Learn more Fiduciary Income Tax (1041ME) | Maine Revenue Services The fiduciary or trustee of...
1. Off-shore drilling — There is presently pending in the United States Supreme Court a law suit between the State of Maine and the United States Government to determine jurisdiction over submerged lands in the Gulf of Maine. Whatever the outcome of that suit, the recent disasters off the c...
open a bank account. The resolution would state that the person going to the bank is authorized by the business to open the account in the name of the corporation. At Northwest, we provide freecorporate bank resolutions, along with many other free corporate forms, to help you get started ...
The purpose of a seller’s permit is so the state can track sales and use tax remittance. You obtain this by registering with the Maine Revenue Services for Sales & Use Tax, Use Tax, and/or Income Tax Withholding. You can do so through the department’s website. A confirmation is ...
Lubec State Review Notice Lubec Town Office Hours 40 School Street Lubec ME 04652 TEL: 207-733-2341 MTWTF: 8am - 4pm FAX (207) 733-4737 As a Reminder… The first half payment of 2024 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes are due December 31. The second half of taxes are due May ...
It’s a nine-digit number assigned to businesses by the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to track tax obligations. It’s a lot like a Social Security number, but for your LLC. You’ll need one to register your LLC with state authorities in Maine. You can obtain one online through ...
Your condominium or homeowners association has to file a tax return with the IRS and your state’s revenue department. Condominium and homeowners' associations can file a special tax form called an 1120-H. We have a CPA on staff to help your condominium or homeowners' association take ...
In Maine, if you are legally separated, you will receive a decree of judicial separation. You are still legally married but bear in mind that the Internal Revenue Service considers you “unmarried”. Contact Us Online Today What are the grounds for divorce in Maine?