Häufig gestellte Fragen Wenden Sie sich an den Veranstalter Welche Art von Produkten/Dienstleistungen werden auf der Veranstaltung präsentiert? Knitting & Stitching etc. are some of the products / services to be showcased in Maine Quilts. Helpful Stellen Sie weitere Fragen ...
Maine Quilts Show Spreads out the Best in QuiltingThe lure of more than 600 quilts on display will entice throngsof visitors to attend the 36th...Hamlin, Ardeana
with an option to create charity quilts. This will be another Sew Day and we will be sharing details for the December Holiday Party meeting. So if you want to join the fun it’s not to late to become a member
Annie's Teeny Tiny Quilt Shop is a great little shop tucked away in Limerick, Maine. Wide variety of fabrics, sewing notions, hand-dyed wool, patterns, classes and more.
Bangor Window Shade and Drapery, located in Downtown Bangor installs home and commercial window shades, drapes, awnings, and provides free on site estimates.
826 acres and features some of the finest bass fishing in Maine. Cottages are all set lakeside. Each cottage offers a unique & personal touch by having its own Maine wildlife theme. Handmade quilts, decor, and attention to detail create a "feel at home" atmosphere. Additionally, we offer ...
A GREAT WAY TO GET INVOLVED Instant friends and forever family – that’s what we hear most from our volunteers. Join us in being part of the Shaker tradition of working together to make a difference. Volunteer Time-tested quality Shaker Herbs Shop Now...
The community has grown to become the state’s largest, at an estimated285 peoplein two churches as of 2024. Amishman Noah Yoder explained that he had spent two years searching for the “ideal place” to relocate. “What drew us to the area was the beautiful scenery, availability of farml...
Maine quilters join astronaut in helping to complete space quilt ; The star-themed quilt will include one block that has boldly gone where no quilt has gone before.RACHEL OHM Morning Sentinel