Oil prices up after reports on inventory Maine dealers struggling with options for customersFROM STAFFWIRE REPORTS
Since 1954, MEMA has been dedicated to working on behalf of energy marketers and their consumers to educate and lead our state forward. We advocate for our members in Augusta and in the news, informing legislators and the public with the facts about Maine’s energy industry. ...
Between 1940 and 1941, absolute gas prices rose by a cent, but inflation-adjusted prices dropped by 2 cents. This is due to the fact that at this moment in history, inflation was rising faster than actual prices; in fact, the inflation rate in 1941 was nearly 10%. At the tail end of...
Volatile oil markets vex dealers, refiners Maine firms put hold on caps, gambling heating costs may fallDeborah TurcotteOf the NEWS Staff
Retailers also feel gas price pinch Maine Oil Dealers Association chief says recent spikes hurting sellersBILL TROTTEROF THE NEWS STAFF
LIHEAP changes irk Maine oil dealersA. J. HIGGINSOF THE NEWS STAFF
TUX TURKEL Staff Writer