Maine's older adult population is increasing, andwith that, there is an increasing need for readyaccess to high-quality legal services for olderMainers of all income levels. Legal Services for the Elderly (LSE) is a nonprofit organization in Maine that provides free legal assistance to ...
To preserve the environment, we support the use of accessible buses, vans, and other multi-modal means of transportation. We recognize the responsibility of government to provide for the unique mobility requirements of people who are elderly or who have disabilities, and support improved public tran...
Because of this, the dogs are next to impossible to train; however, what they lack in obedience, they make up for in loyalty. After the 2004 Chūetsu earthquake, a shiba inu helped rescue workers locate her elderly owner who had been trapped beneath the rubble. The ordeal was adapted into...
It’s not clear how long the review will take or what would happen here or elsewhere if the wage laws are found to be illegal. For now, restaurant owners are assuming that Portland’s ordinance is legal, but they are anxious for the matter to be resolved. . . ...
Elderly dogs can have dementia Just like humans, dogs' brains may start to have impaired functioning in old age. Signs of what's called canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) can includedisorientation, pacing, getting lost in familiar places, and staring into space. See your vet if you notice the...
Other Elder Abuse Cases in MaineLegal Services for the Elderly has dealt with several cases ofelder abuse in Maine. The...Harris, Julie
It is time for a reordering of priorities to place a basic quality-standard of life for every citizen at the top of our agenda. Everyone – including the mentally retarded child and the elderly patient in a nursing home – has the right to a life of dignity and comfort. Those who are ...
(mariculture) as important components of zoned coastal multiple-use. Increased funds for research and pilot operations are needed, and legal restrictions to mariculture must be removed. Other marine developments, such as offshore oil drilling, must first demonstrate high assurance that they will not...
HUMAN SERVICES Preamble The Democratic Party of Maine recognizes its responsibility fill the needs of Maine’s children and youth, the elderly, the men tally ill, the social offenders, the poor, the sick, the needy, through progressive legislation and policies which will devote a greater proportio...