In Maine, state lawmakers considered several measures this year that would have strengthened the state's gun laws, though unsuccessfully. The Maine House approved in June a measure that would have tightened background checks for private gun sales, but the proposal failed in the state Senate. Th...
Thestate's constitutiondeclares: "Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned." However, subsequent legislation has qualified that right, in many cases making Maine's gun laws less strict over the years due to changes originating both f...
Maine gun-sale laws under fire [Corrected 08/10/06] ; Critics in Massachusetts say softer weapons regulations in other states contribute to crime in the Bay State.SETH HARKNESS Staff Writer
“It has been our intention to remain quiet in the aftermath of the horrific shooting in Lewiston to allow public safety officials and leaders to communicate to the public with as little message pollution as possible. Our hearts are with the people of the Lewiston region and all those affecte...
Gun dealers attracted by Maine laws Out-of-state weapons found at Boston crimesJUDY HARRISONOF THE NEWS STAFF
had a public change of hearton gun control laws, regretting his decision to oppose a ban on assault-style weapons last year. It was a rare reversal on such a divisive issue, but the aftermath of the shooting has otherwiselacked a big push for new laws, either at the state or feder...
Fewer than 72,000 people in the state of New Jersey have a paid hunting license, which is less than 1% of the entire population. Maybe it’s because New Jersey gun laws are some of the most restrictive in the country—the second toughest in the nation, according to Another rea...
Apr. 29—People who killed their intimate partners or family members during the last five years in Maine have used firearms more often than any other method, according to a report released Wednesday that calls for stricter enforcement of the state's existing gun laws. ...
Fewer than 72,000 people in the state of New Jersey have a paid hunting license, which is less than 1% of the entire population. Maybe it’s because New Jersey gun laws are some of the most restrictive in the country—the second toughest in the nation, according to Another rea...
The Maine Hunting Guide is a free directory listing registered Maine Guides and outfitters, lodging, game ranches, taxidermists, meat cutters, gun shops, hunting dogs and more.