(207) 453-1350 Fax Email Us Hours: Weekdays 6am-8pm Saturdays 7am-12pm Sundays Closed musherosjacking@gmail.com Member NFIB Certified by Maine DEP Fully Insured Written 5 year Guarantee Free Estimates Mushero's Services House Lifting • Camp Jacking • House Leveling • House Moving •...
With over twenty years of experience on the other side of the table as a State regulator, we understand the regulations and what regulators expect. We specialize in assisting our clients with Maine DEP and municipal shoreland zoning regulations, in addition to the Maine DEP's Natural Resources ...
This find on a highly-valued central Maine lake highlights the risk of introduction of invasive aquatic species including plants, fish, and other organisms such as zebra mussels. DEP urges boaters to clean, drain, and dry boats, anchor lines and fishing gear before and after launching in Maine...
2. Provide more technical staff and enforcement personnel to DEP and LURC. 3. Require that at least two industry representatives of DEP be representatives of labor. We advocate classification of all lakes and ponds as to fragility. We encourage new aquaculture projects for fish and shellfish wit...
The DEP may not approve cutting to create a view unless DEP determines that there will be no unreasonable impact on the habitat. Question 40: What is a vernal pool, why are they important, and what happens if I have one on my property?