Maine season dates setStates that the Maine Fish and Wildlife Department has issued hunting season dates for the next two years. Information on dates for bowhunting, firearms, and muzzleloader seasons.Vanderweide, HarryOutdoor Life
Fellow Hunters, I had the great pleasure of bow hunting at Foggy Mountain’s West Branch Camp the second week of the 2017 bear season. Brandon and his guides went beyond my expectations to provide an enjoyable, relaxing and successful experience. I highly recommend booking a hunt with these g...
Carry While Bow Hunting? Can you concealed carry while bow hunting in Maine? Yes with a valid concealed carry permit, however, it cannot be used to shoot a deer or dispatch a wounded deer. [ME Dept of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Archery Season Provisions] What Are the Knife Laws in Maine?
(Bow or Muzzleloader). This allows the hunter to sit, stalk and hunt their trophy animal in the woods of Maine. No large fields or farmland in our preserve just thickets, meadows, and big timber. This is a true Maine hunting experience for Red Stag. Tree stands and ground blinds are ...
Hunting season in Maine begins at the end of October. Here comes those community hunter's breakfasts that are such a treat, whether you are going into the woods, or not. Kids in Costumes Getty Stock Think Stock Kids in Costumes October ends on Halloween, and at this point it seems fine...
,Bear hunting with Sportsman's Pride Outfitters I’ve done the spring and fall hunts and seen a total of 53 bears and shot several with my bow. Sportsman’s Pride offers the best opportunities to shoot a trophy bear of a lifetime. ...
Hunt near food sources that are “in season”. Early in the fall, bears are found near clear cuts that produce berries; late in the fall, hunt near sources of beechnuts or acorns. Scent control is a must for successful hunting over bait. Wear rubber footwear, keep hunting clothing clean...
Guest writer Kaylee Townsend recalls how upset she was to learn that invasive northern pike were eating all the panfish in Pushaw Lake, and Southern Maine’s Val Marquez reports that tactics he learned in this state while hunting turkeys and bowhunting deer, translate into success against Wyoming...
FilePage 04.5. Map of Bowtown as lotted and cruised in 1922., C. S. HumpreysFilePage 04.5. Plan of Township 13, Columbia Falls, Moses HodsdonFilePage 04.5. Plan of Township 17, Range 10 WELS in Aroostook County, 1946, Hubert MichaudFile...