Wang is the least experienced of the bunch, who first gained notability as a young actor for voicing Boun in Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon, while the other three are also known for a Disney movie, Mulan, in addition to many other voice roles. Wen voiced the titular character in the...
Portia's unbridled ambition is reflected in the character of Yzma, the main villain inThe Emperor's New Groove, whose nefarious plots all revolve around grabbing the throne from the oblivious Kuzco. Unlike Portia, though, Yzma nearly succeeds in reaching her goal. NEXT:Bridgerton: What Your Favo...
villain,,k-pop,0.0, 639,rain x chungha,why don't we [feat. serri],,k-pop,0.0, 640,highlight,not the end,,k-pop,0.0, 641,monsta x,love killa,,k-pop,0.0, ...
With the introduction of Romulan time agent Sera (Adelaide Kane), Strange New Worlds season 2 has also teased the return of Star Trek's temporal wars, which Captain Archer and the Enterprise NX-01 played a part in. Combining these two elements to send Archer to the 23rd century, or Pike...