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Reconstruction of ancestral states The nutritional modes of the taxa were coded as ECM and SAP according to our isotopic analyses and previous studies [39, 41, 116]. In the ECM lineage, the potential hosts were obtained from various sources, including taxonomic literatures, field notes, and an...
The ancestral state of the nutritional modes was assessed based on phylogenies obtained from fragments of 36 single-copy genes and stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen. Moreover, a number of time-, trait-, and paleotemperature-dependent models were employed to investigate if the acquisiti...
channel banks). The high TN (4.5 ± 0.6 g kg−1) content on the target sediment suggests that most of this sediment originated from the N-enriched agricultural lands (4.5 ± 0.7 g kg−1), where the sources from subsurface soil were depleted. The ...
Groundwater is a finite resource in Davarzan region which is located between the ophiolite complex mountain in the north and salty playa at the south. The water samples were analyzed to assess the origin of groundwater pollution and explain links between the disturbed heavy metals composition of ...
many countries have inuoduced language laws in the laws in the last decade .In some the use of languages other than the national language is banned in public spaccs such as advertsing posters. One of the first such legal proviaions was the 1994 " Toubon law' in France. but the idea ...
Annexes 1, 3 and 6 of the main report were prepared by Katherine Floyd; Annex 2 was prepared by Hazim Timi- mi; Annex 4 was prepared by Irwin Law; and Annex 5 was prepared by Philippe Glaziou and Olga Tosas Auguet, with contributions from Marie-Christine Bartens. The report cover ...
‘Jewish groups and unions representing university staff and students who are concerned that fear of sanction will push providers to overlook the safety and well-being of minorities.’ Other government sources issued briefings to the BBC that the act would have opened the door to Holocaust deniers...
79 Congress, AAP reach in-principle understanding on Haryana alliance: Sources The Congress and AAP, who are part of the opposition INDIA bloc at the national level, had contested the Lok Sabha polls together in Haryana, Gujarat, Goa, Delhi and Chandigarh. UPDATED:Sep 3, 2024 20:01 IST Ind...
Rap Fr Pejmaxx Retour aux sources Paul simon Silent eyes Rap Us Bliss n eso Up jumped the boogie Paul simon One man's ceiling is another man's floor RnB, Soul Bob james Take me to the mardi gras Paul simon Take me to the mardi gras Rap Fr Yoshi di original Digga Peder feat....