And (1)___(car) are one of the main polluters of the air. So what can we do (2)___(improve) the situation? We can walk, take a bus, take an underground or ride a bike. Now for children aged between 4 and 12, they can also choose to take the S'Cool Bus.The S'Cool Bus...
Private ownership, or private property, is the cornerstone of any capitalist-based economy. Without having private ownership enshrined in laws, the owners ofcapitalhave no incentive to take the risks associated with allocating capital to the market. Private ownership is part of the "invisible hand"...
“We should plan for the worst,” said Michael Mann, a climate scientist at the University of Pennsylvania. “The keys to the car have been given to the polluters and fossil fuel plutocrats and they intend to drive it off the clim...
#SundayMorningReading:#CarbonPrice: These bills all deal with one of CCLs' pillars of support for getting off fossil fuels and taxing the polluters They're all in limbo. Call, Write, Email or use@resistbotto get them...
The thermal power industry, the cement industry and the iron & steel industry are among the top energy consumers and air-polluters in China, which have significant impacts on climate change. The annual productions of these three industry sectors are all ranked as the top one in the world. In...
that one ofthemainobjectives of levyingachargeisto induce the polluters to reduce the level of pollution [...] 本㆟必須指出,徵收污染費用,其㆗㆒個主要的作用,是使到污染者自動自覺㆞減少污染的程度,假如不能達到這個效果,污染者付 費的方法,對減少污染來說是失敗的...
have become some of the largest polluters in recent years. As developing countries progress economically, this will naturally result in more emissions, i.e. more cars, more electricity, more construction. This creates a conflict between development and climate change. Developing countries are also ...