main memory main memory发音 意思翻译 [计]主存储器 相似词语短语 fading memory───[医]衰退记忆,消失记忆 main memories───[计]主存储器 main entry───主要款目 lasting memory───持久的记忆 racial memory───种族记忆;民族记忆 cache memory───[计]高速缓冲存储器;快取记忆体 ...
了解下面各种策略,有利于理解Cache和Main Memory行为和配置Cache属性。 1. 各种策略行为和优缺点 Read Through:CPU Read data Through(not Allocate) Cache to Main Memory. Read Allocate:CPU Read data from Main Memory and Allocate it in cache Write Through:CPU Write data Through Cache to Main Memory。
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To minimize the degradation of a main storage and to prevent the performance from deteriorating by reading and writing a cache memory as a substitute for access to a fault detected address by a processor. SOLUTION: A cache control part 119 receives an address of a ...
multibank cache write buffer Critical word first 、 early restart victim cache 减少miss rate 1.DRAM技术 DRAM需要先行选通再列选通,速度较慢 提升方法: 1.同步DRAM 2.提高带宽(每次多读几位) 3.double clock rate 4.多个bank Fast Page Mode 对于同一个page(同一行的数据),会将同一行存进缓冲buffer,...
Related to main memory:cache memory,virtual memory,primary memory,secondary memory,Main Memory database n (Computer Science) the central memory-storage facility in a computer Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000,...
Thecacheisgenerallyallowedtowritevariablesback tomainmemoryinadifferentorderthantheywerewrittenby theprogram. 通常允许缓存以与程序写入变量时所不相同的次序把变量存入主存。 7. ThemainSPEprogramwillreceiveaneffectiveaddresspointertoastructcontainingthesizeandpointerofastringinmainmemory. ...
主存(Main memory) 1.背景 程序保存在存储设备(backing store)里,而CPU能直接访问的存储介质只有主存(Main Memory)和CPU寄存器,可以说主存是是程序执行的中心:在指令执行过程(取指-指令解码-执行指令-取数-存结果),执行的指令需要去主存取来,指令执行的操作数可能需要去主存取来,执行结果可能存回主存;这样一个程...
Cache-memory device PURPOSE: To speed up processing for filling a prescribed block in a cache memory with a specific data pattern. CONSTITUTION: An instruction output part is ... 朝海 寛,廣瀬 元義,森強,... 被引量: 0发表: 2004年 Method and system for invalidating data in cache of memor...