Main Line Women’s Healthcare is pleased to offer a team of compassionate, professional OBGYN physicians to the women of PA.
3 Update on the management of abnormal uterine bleeding 4 Q1 Y. Levy-Zauberman a, A.-G. Pourcelot a, P. Capmas a,b,c, H. Fernandez a,b,c,* 5 a Service gyne´cologie obste´trique, CHU Biceˆtre, AP–HP, 78, rue du Ge´ne´ral-Leclerc, 94270 Le Kremlin Biceˆtre...
(SOGC-L)initsguideline. ResuscitationNone COMMENT OtherPostpartumhemorrhagemanagementrequiresa multidisciplinaryapproach(ACOG-CandSOGC-C)Recentepidemiologicstudiesnotethat ACOG,AmericanCollegeofObstetricianandGynecologists;RCOG,RoyalCollegeofObstetricianandGynaecologists;SOGC,PPH,particularlybecauseofuterine SocietyofObstetr...
FromtheCenterforWomen’sReproductiveHealth,UniversityofAlabamaatBirmingham,thereareapproximately950casesper Birmingham,AL(DrsEdwards,Tang,andSzychowski);theAmericanCollegeofObstetriciansand yearintheUnitedStates,consistentwith Gynecologists,Washington,DC(MsRaglanandDrSchulkin);andtheCentersforDiseaseControl8,9 ...
农村服务不足孕妇吸烟问题1591-s2 main.pdf,Smoking in Rural and Underserved Pregnant Women a,* Marilyn Cooper Handley, RN, MSN, PhD , b Daniel M. Avery Jr, MD KEYWORDS Smoking rates Effects of smoking Pregnancy Cessation Health disparities Rural KEY POINTS
8 9Introduction %1Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common complaint that %1affects large numbers of women from puberty to menopause. %1AUB negatively affects health by causing anemia, as well as it %1impacts the quality of life of women affected. AUB also has an ...