(d) Leaves are plant organs specialized for photosynthesis. However, there are plants where the leaves are modified or reduced in response to a particular environment or requirement. The function of leaves is then taken over by other organs like stipules (e.g., Lathyrus aphaca), petiole ...
What is the main function of cuticle in plants? What is the role of oxygen-binding proteins at the site of capillaries during respiration? What role does carbon dioxide play in photosynthesis? What is the role of oxygen in aerobic respiration? What is the role of O2 in photosynthesis? What...
Structure, function, and mechanism of the phenylacetate pathway hot dog-fold thioesterase PaaI. The structure and biochemical function of the hot dog-fold thioesterase PaaI operative in the aerobic phenylacetate degradation pathway are examined. PaaI ... F Song,Z Zhuang,L Finci,... - 《Journa...
Highly variable in terms of relative proportion, often as a function of the sanitary condition of the grapes, these species have different significances in oenology, i.e., pro-technological, spoilage, biocontrol, production of toxic catabolites [88–92]. On the other hand, it is possible to...
Besides, carotenoids provide organisms of bright yellow, red, or orange and their main function in all non-photosynthetic organisms seems to be (photo) protection. They are known to be very efficient physical and chemical quenchers of singlet oxygen (1O2), as well as potent scavengers of other...
The liver is a highly aerobic organ, and mitochondria occupy about 20% of hepatocellular volume to meet the ATP demands of ureagenesis and many other hepatic functions. Accordingly, disruption of mitochondrial function underlies the toxicity of many hepatotoxicants. Oxida...
4. Physiology and Biochemistry: Water relations, mineral nutrition and ion transport, mineral deficiencies; Photosynthesis – photochemical reactions; photophosphorylation and carbon fixation pathways; C3, C4 and CAM pathways; Mechanism of phloem transport; Respiration (anerobic and aerobic, including ...
Rb. capsukfus MT-GS18 is a double mutant (c:,c;) unable to grow pb~totrophically but which maintains the capacity of aerobic growth by means of the alternative oxidase branch. Fig. 2B shows that in MT-GS18, similarly to R126, approx. 37ai; o...