Odisha HASINITAMOGHNA NALLA 96.9569063 OutsideIndia ADITYAPRADHAN 99.9477408 OutsideIndia MUZAMMIL BIN SALIMKURUPPANMARTHODI MOHAMED 97.5237176 Puducherry RITHIKABAHETI 99.0311947 Punjab NAINA 99.7105644 Rajasthan TIRTHRAJSHARAD GIRAWALE 99.9035215 Sikkim DIWAKARS 91.0958353 TamilNadu KIRUTHICPRANESHK 99.9879402 ...
Spoke to Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik Ji and discussed the situation prevailing due to Cyclone Fani. Assured continuous support from the Central Government in the wake of the cyclone. The entire nation stands in solidarity with all those affected by the cyclone in different parts. human 164 @...